I Took My First Dose Of Vaccine Today

Sorry but I don’t have a photo to share.

Vritant Kumar
2 min readJan 12, 2022


My certificate for taking fist dose of Covid-19 vaccine. Photo: VRITANT (me)

There’s nothing much to tell. Just wanted to post an update that I’ve got my first dose of vaccine today.

I’m feeling perfectly normal, as of now, just like before taking any vaccine. Except for a slight pain in the arm muscles, nothing serious.

+ it feels good, and safer, to be vaccinated (okay, partially vaccinated).

I regret not having a good picture to share with y’all. And therefore I’ve put the certificate as the image LOL.

Hope y’all are fine and take care because in some countries cases are on a rise again, thanks to this Omicron variant. This includes my country India too. Many cities are reporting tens of thousands of cases daily. For instance, New Delhi’s daily cases toll stood at 19,166 for January 10. (Source: JHH CSSE Covid-19 Data repository)

I’m not following the news very closely so I’ll not put any opinion or say anything more here.

But what I know: “If everyone puts appropriate efforts and follow the guidelines and safety precautions, we will all be safe.”

And one more thing, care before you share. Article, videos, news, anything. Try to verify the sources and only share if it’s from a trusted and authentic source. And don’t trust any random article and video you come across online.

Stay safe!

Below is an article you might like and for reading more, visit my Medium profile here: VRITANT. Take care and until next time, bye! 👋❤️☺️



Vritant Kumar

I write to EXPLORE as much as I write to EXPRESS. 6x top writer. newsletter: vritant.substack.com