This Is How You Can Know How Much Google Knows About You

And that too in one place.

Vritant Kumar
Oct 13, 2021


Photo by Mitchell Luo on Unsplash

There’s hardly anyone on the Internet who doesn’t use Google or its services that ranges from Google Search to YouTube, Android to Gmail and many many many more (I mean those “many”)!

And that means it has a hell lot of data about me, you and anyone who uses it. The same is the case with other tech giants like Apple, Microsoft, Amazon and Facebook.

But fortunately, Google is transparent (kind of) with the data it collects and stores. You can see all of your data stored by them in one place: Google Takeout.

Snap of my Google Takeout dashboard
Snap of my Google Takeout dashboard. Courtesy: VRITANT

You can select services and go on to download a file, or export your data, if you want, all in one place.



Vritant Kumar

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