Writing on a Whim

Let’s talk next year. But before that…

Vritant Kumar
2 min readNov 9, 2023


Photo by Carolina on Unsplash

I didn’t want to write today. I just wanted to pull open a book and read it for some more time.

I have my examinations coming up soon and the syllabus is quite consuming. I forever love reading and writing on Medium but for the time being, I think a break was long overdue.

But why have I returned, all of a sudden? I don’t have a very good reason for doing so but just wanted to put some scribbles on the seemingly blankness of Medium’s editor screen.

For the writers among us, you know how peaceful, serene and… empty it feels to write with this wonderful editor. Just love it :)

Anyways. Many things are going on and off. Hey, that’s life, someone hailed! Okay, yup, it is. And making sense of it all — with a bit of overthinking — is a ride of its own.

The future is equal share daunting and exciting — some adrenaline rush right there. Writing it all is something like a cool, soothing breeze hitting your face at dawn. Refreshing, to say the least.

I hope you guys (and gals) are fine and having a blast towards the end of the year!

See you soon, maybe on the other side of this year… a new one!

p.s. apologies for not editing and publishing your articles articles in the publication where i am the sole editor. heartfelt sorry. will be back soon :)



Vritant Kumar

I write to EXPLORE as much as I write to EXPRESS. 6x top writer. newsletter: vritant.substack.com