The 10 best Angular tips selected by the community

Roman Sedov
IT’s Tinkoff
Published in
3 min readAug 3, 2020


Waterplea and I took an interesting challenge this June: we wrote an Angular tip every day on Twitter. It was warmly welcomed by the Angular community.

I decided to write an article about 10 tips and tricks that have the most likes and explain their concepts in more detail.

Let’s start!

Tokenize global objects

The most popular tweet was about DI tokens of global objects.

In frontend, we are used to many global objects available in any scope. We use objects like window, document, fetch method, location, etc. We don't expect that there can be situations when we do not have them.

But for example, there is no browser, no Window and no DOM in Angular Universal or Jest testing environment. And having global objects as tokens, you can use, replace and test code without problems.

If you want to know more about tokens and deepen your knowledge about Angular Dependency Injection…

