Taiga UI: more than UI kit

Alexander Inkin
IT’s Tinkoff
Published in
7 min readJul 3, 2023


Taiga UI is a huge Angular UI kit and a components library that you should definitely try out. But it’s not just that. We’ve been working on it for over 5 years, starting as far back as Angular 4. And being fascinated by decomposition, we’ve spawned a multitude of independently helpful isolated libraries that allow us to build impressive Angular apps. While you might not be interested in using Taiga UI itself, these separate projects could definitely improve your Angular DX and provide you with amazingly useful tools. So in this article, let’s explore the Taiga UI family and see what makes it great.

Web APIs for Angular

Roman and I started our open source journey with this project. It is a collection of tiny libraries, wrapping various native Web APIs from Canvas to Speech recognition, from IntersectionObserver to Web MIDI API and more. They all follow same key principles:

  1. Minimum interference with how native JavaScript works, but
  2. Easy consumption of these APIs in an Angular app in a natural way

This means declarative directives, DI, services and RxJS streams where in vanilla app you would have imperative methods, callbacks and manual class creations.

I have published an overview article of this project. There you can find brief descriptions of currently…



Alexander Inkin
IT’s Tinkoff

Passionate Angular dev, musician and OSS author 🌲 taiga-ui.dev ··· 🎹 jamigo.app