Hi There

Chapter 15 — I Broke Free

It’s Yoshi


June 22, 2019

Lately, my parents allowed me to join them when they do yard works. We had quite a lot of yard works to do at the house. Digging, tree trimming, planting and blowing the leaves. It sure is quite a long list, but my part was always to be a good dog and guard the house. Usually, I sat underneath one of the three really big trees on our front and side yards and watch the house for my parents (Parent comments “LOL, not like the house is going anywhere or anyone is going to attack us”).

Once in a while, my parents joined me with a beer that they don’t share with me. We played fetch with squeaky balls and twigs and chewed on ice cubes together. We are definitely one happy family with two brats cats. Several times, Boots (my mini tuxedo sister) joined with us in her portable tiny cage. Today she didn’t join us as I quite scared her with my giant paws the last time I tried to play with her.

Today was a super chill and relaxing Saturday. I was minding my own business chewing on twigs until a new black and white cat showed up on our lawn. The cat was not part of the pack, but it won’t leave our lawn, so I gave it a warning but it kept on coming closer and closer. The more threats I gave it, the closer it came. It got all the way to the garage door, sat there, and made fun of me while daring to stare straight at me.

Mommy got really worried and told me everything was okay. It definitely was not okay. Our lawn was invaded and I need to do my duties, so I figured out how to slip out of my harness and now I am free.

I ran with all my might toward the cat, ready to grab it, but within seconds, the cat was gone. Boy was I so mad. I was so mad, the anger inside of me turned into zoomies and boy did I ran fast.

You should have seen my parents’ horrified and worried faces as they watch me run wild and free. I had so much fun running freely around my house that those humans' words no longer make sense. I didn’t remember what “stop, no, or come here” means. The freedom was all that matter until Daddy grabbed me and now I am in my crate for some timeout.

