Chapter 16 — Finally the dog park

It’s Yoshi
3 min readDec 10, 2019


June 26, 2019

I made so many friends, so many, I can’t even remember their names.

Today was a workday, but both my parents decided to stay home and spend time with me. I am so excited. The morning started out the same as every other day, but then we get to go to a place full of dogs.

We drove down the street along the curvy road to a park hidden behind some mountains and tall trees. As soon as we arrived, my adrenaline was at its max. I was so excited, I couldn’t help it but bark and pulled my parents toward the fence.

At first, my parents looked concerned and worried. Every time I saw a dog, I would bark the loudest I could to greet them, but they kept on running away from me. Every bark got me in trouble and stressed out my parents. They put me back in the car trunk (it is a hatchback trunk, so don’t worry) until I settled down before they took me back out.

Out and in we went for what felt like hours. All the dogs were behind the fence and I am outside the fence on a leash. All I can smell were dog markings and dirt. My parents let me watch the other dogs through the fence and walked me along the fence. As soon as I started to greet other dogs on their way to the dog park, I got put back inside the trunk. What the heck?

Finally, I got to enter the fence, but through a different side where there were no dogs. Ugg…It is the side where the small dogs get to go. I was able to run free, but I can’t play with other dogs. There was a fence between us and man was I am pissed off.

Then came a really cute dog. We talked through the fence, but then she got really territorial and made fun of me. I got really mad and wanted to wrestle with her, but I couldn’t get over the fence. My parents freaked out and pulled me away from her.

I hate leaving the dog park

Out of the mini dog park, we went and back to our car, until that dog owner spoke to my parents. I can hear that she was trying to convince my parents to let me into the park. Moments later, I was free. My parents took off my harness, let me into the dog park, and they watch me zoom across the gigantic field of grass.

This is me after the dog park

Man, was it fun? I ran for hours. I sniffed all the other dogs' butt and greeted them. I made new friends. And I even met a handsome boy named Oliver.

