My first toy was a Dino!

Chapter 2 — The First Time I Feel Loved Again

It’s Yoshi
Published in
3 min readAug 2, 2019


May 25, 2019

Every day I get to sleep, eat, sleep, and eat. I am so bored out of my mind. My body aches because of the brick plastic bed they gave us. I missed having a furry soft bed.

Patiently day by day we wait for our owner to come to rescue us, but he never comes. I don’t know how many days have passed since we been here because there is no sunshine in here. There is always this bright light above our head that never turns off. Each day two same big men who look very scary come and clean out my kennel. A woman comes and feeds us. She always looks depressed and upset. Not sure what is wrong with her. She comes with a giant big white barrel full of food that tasted like dried rocks. All the other dogs love it but boy it definitely wasn’t my favorite.

Wolf never learns to stop crying. He talks and cries all day and night. We all think he is annoying and can’t wait for them to take him out of here. Please someone comes and save us.

His trick of talking and crying to get those human attention never works, but he keeps on insisting it does. I just have to show him that it is not always the loudest who get the attention.

Yoshi: “Yo Wolf, watch me, I am going to show you how to get attention.”

Wolf: “What?” “You finally talk now?”

Yoshi: “No, you need to stop being annoying!”

I waited for visitors to come so I can show this stupid Wolf how to get love, but all day I waited and no one shows up. Sigh…

Finally, there is a visitor. Wait, not just one, but two visitors. The girl is super cute and I can see that she has a very good heart. The man looks a lot like my owner. They approach my kennel and gives me a look of love. Awe, how I crave and miss seeing those kinds of eyes.

The girl compliments me and says that I am very pretty and how she adores my eyes. Awe, she makes me feel love all over again. I don’t remember the last time, I feel this much love. Let me tilt my head and show her my cuteness. They petted me and gave me their hands. Oh, how I missed getting a pet. I lick the man’s hands looking for treats, but sadly there are none.

Yoshi: “See Wolf, this is how you get attention.”

Wolf: “Whatever, I bet I can still them from you.”

Wolf got louder and louder and finally, he gets their attention, but then they yell at him to be quiet. OMG, it is so funny, I can’t hold in my laugh. They spend a while with me saying some words I can’t understand and then they left behind the closed door.



It’s Yoshi

We are a husband and wife team who love to work on DIY projects.