The Ultimate Gorsuch Tracker

Jessica I
It’s Your Call
Published in
2 min readMar 29, 2017


5 Calls has been tracking Senators’ stances on Neil Gorsuch’s Supreme Court confirmation vote scheduled for April 7th. As a result of our efforts, we are sharing the humbly-titled Ultimate Gorsuch Tracker. Each Senator - Democrat, Independent and Republican - is listed, along with their stated position and willingness to support a filibuster.

Our current running total:

1 Undecided

44 Against Nomination

55 For Nomination

44 Planning to Filibuster

Several sources have been compiling trackers to predict the likelihood of a Gorsuch confirmation and/or filibuster. While there are many overlaps, each source has slightly different tallies and information and the story keeps evolving.

What isn’t up for grabs are the numbers: There are 52 Republican Senators, and 60 votes needed to create a filibuster-proof majority to confirm Neil Gorsuch.

8 Democratic/Independent Senators must join their Republican counterparts to vote “Yea” for a Gorsuch confirmation. Democrats can only afford to have 7 Senators “defect” without losing the ability to filibuster.

To complicate matters, there are factors outside the Senate that influence this fight. The dark money-driven “Judicial Crisis Network” is pouring millions into running radio, online, and tv ads drumming up grassroots support around the country. The Senate Judiciary Committee has agreed to delay their vote until April 3, and a vote on the floor of the Senate has been scheduled for April 7. The defeat of healthcare repeal in the House, mounting pressure to investigate Russia’s interference into the election, and the subsequent intrigue unfolding every day in DC are building momentum for Senate Democrats to fight back and take risks.

It’s still unclear if Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell will invoke the “nuclear option,” which would end debate and bring a vote even if there are fewer than 60 votes for a nominee. (The “nuclear option” has a long and complex history that Fox News covered quite well.) At this point, it’s too early to tell if the tough talk from Lindsay Graham and Mitch McConnell is just that, or if they have the support of other Republican senators to “go nuclear”.

On the other side of the aisle, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer will be tested for his ability to secure enough support from his Democratic counterparts. It’s still uncertain he’ll be able to pull off an upset and block Gorsuch from becoming the next Justice of the Supreme Court.



Jessica I
It’s Your Call

mother of dragons...I mean a teen and tween, wife, hiker, resister