Interview with Dwi Asri — Lead Design at Itsavirus

Cats 🐈, Beach 🏖, Illustration 🎎, and Marie Kondo 👩‍💼

Iosi Pratama
Itsavirus Design
7 min readOct 21, 2020


I’m happy to have our lead designer from Itsavirus to answer questions related to her experiences as a designer, how she works and her favourite music while working.

I hope you can get some inspirations and insights from her that perhaps you can apply it to your daily life.

Enjoy Reading!

Hi, Dwi thanks for making time to answer my questions. I know you are a bit busy with the projects that you handle at the moment. But, since this the Medium page of the Itsavirus designers, we really need you here! 😅

Let’s begin by introducing yourself, perhaps your hobbies or you can add anything that intrigues you.

Could you tell a bit about yourself?

Hey — I am an introvert person who loves cats. I like travelling, either in Bali or other areas. Travelling can make me see the other side of the places that I visited.

Yay! Travelling

My hobby is drawing and makes some illustrations. Recently I tried to challenge myself to learn Ukulele, I’m still a beginner though 😂 hehe

I like more simple things. One of my principles are simplicity, inspire by Marie Kondo. She has changed my perspective on the things that I have, and will I have.

Drawing, Travelling, Live Simplicity. That sound interesting live. Jump to the other question.

What brought you into the design and how did you start your career?

I really like drawing since I was a child. Manga is one of something that inspired me to draw.

Dwi’s Illustration took from her Instagram

Later when I was got my first computer, I learn how to edit the picture using Photoshop. It was fun!

While I was in college, I studied Computer Science. I learned how to think logically but also tried to do it creatively. Back then, I wasn’t satisfied if the UI design of the program is so-so, I’d like it more extraordinary with the design.

I started my design career as a Designer in banking Companies, where my job is preparing all the design request for the companies.

Feel a bit bored, I tried to jump to a new role as UI / UX Design at Melalie when back then haven’t any name yet. Melalie is a startup founded in 2018 to rent a motorbike easily from your phone.

While I was in the first year, I feel very challenged and it was fun! Tried to build products from scratch.

So now we are working in the same company. Melalie is part of this company as well. But, now we tend focus on design the client project. Let’s talk about the project now.

What project you are working on at the moment?

For now, I’m working on TURNN project, especially on the App Project. It is an integrated MaaS (Mobility as a Service) app-based to plan and book mobility services for your trips, with only using one app.

The challenge I faced so far where the places are so far, communication with clients needs to be intensive, big different time zone, and also so complex integrated apps that have all mobility in the one app.

Because this project tends to focused on Business and Technology, I keep reminding where also there is a User side need to be also a part of the design decisions.

Here’s is the biggest challenge to remind the Client to build a product for the User.

Okay, you have been working on the TURNN Project.

What typical challenges do you face at your company?

Because we are a new startup, obviously we need to build it from scratch. Especially the design team, while we only have 3 members.

We need to build everything from the beginning, have initiated to do something first. Learning faster, and bigger than ever, to also make the company growing.

By the way, what is your favourite project that you have done or been doing so far?

Melalie is my favourite project. I learn a lot from building this App from the beginning. Having real products in front of me also makes me motivated to start the day to solve the problem that we had.

Collaborate with developers, listening to feedback from customers after we launched, there are all hard but challenging things.

Where do you get the inspiration from for your work?

I install some of the similar applications or visited a similar website. Some of the inspiration I seek on the Dribbble.

But most of the time I communicate it with clients what application similar to this, because from what they told me also a key for me to dig deeper that reference. Knowing the user will be using that app will make a good insight also for me.

What music do you listen to while designing?

I like to listen to lo-fi music while working, it keeps me stay focused.

But when I need more beats, I love soft-rock genres.

What product have you recently seen that made you think this is great design?

Dropbox. as I know previously dropbox was just file sharing places. but now their changes really make an impact on me. How they can make the user easier made a document, how easy to add many tools.

From the UI perspective, The design choices are simple yet Bold. They know when are the good places to show a simple UI and when to use colourful-bold colours. Well done!

Another thing about great design is my face washing bottle.

I realized the design not only how it looks, but also about how it works in everyday life. Even with the small things like these Product that I found on my bathroom.

It was a good design. It doesn’t need much effort to open the cap. The size is so-so not too big, the bottle’s shape perfect for my grip, also it’s easy to open the cap. I really like it.

What do you like to do in your free time?

Watch K-movies, go to the beach, or go to the mountains. Learn how to play the ukulele. Read a book.

Follow up question, could mention your favourite K-Movies, Beach, and Book?

My favourite K-movies is Parasite. About the beach, I love Melasti Beach located below a high cliff, unspoiled blue sea.

Book? Umm. Of course The Life-Changing Magic Of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo.

Marie Kondo Books

Last but not least. This is for our reader who want to work as a designer nowadays.

What would be your advice for beginner designers who want to pursue a design career?

As a Designer who changes my Career path, I’d say don’t worry to bravely do something new. If you don’t try it, you will not know.

Don’t waste your time to do something that makes you bored every day. You would wake up and say to yourself, I’m excited to start my day.

Thinking about solving other people is a problem are can make a big impact. So please find your own goals.

If you want to start your career or change your career as a UI / UX designer, start from what you like. Then the universe will show you the way. But also don’t forget to set your career goals to make it optimistic.

Learn from the experts. Practising more.

Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise. Seek what they sought. — Matsuo Basho

Thanks a bunch, Dwi. For anyone who wants to connect with Dwi, I’ll share some of his social media.

Follow and Connect with Dwi 👩

That’s all our interview with Dwi Asri, Our Design Lead at Itsavirus. Any question to her? Feel free to write it through comments section.

Kindly 👏 Clap and 👉 Follow us for more interesting stories behind the Itsavirus Design Team.

