Behind The Platform Scenes

Setia Aris
Itsavirus Design
Published in
7 min readOct 20, 2020

Throwing back to 2000s all the way before an internet stuff commonly known as necessary as an online social media for teenagers, digital industries among businessman or entrepreneur, etc. But as far as I know, back in the days it was only have somewhat sites with tiny small features to use rather than nowadays which is very widely different 180 degree. Day by day, we all know that internet grown ups, so it became the main thing of life now. For example, when we woke up, all we do especially among teenagers is definitely take or looking for a phone to checking on instagram, twitter, etc (even though they don’t know what to do haha lol). It seemed an internet is like an oxygen for alive lol again wow. But one thing that I point out is, nowadays doesn’t really matter everyones being usually open up a computer and phone or something in which to use the internet everyday. Most of the time, everybody used to do express themselves on social media, interacting people virtually from far away, playing games, and any other things to do. It’s very unique somehow if we were back in the days and immediately jumping up to see these days like, lol. Like lol.

Platform Built as a Medium

Platform is a facilitator or medium for people who want to use the internet by doing something as what we were talking about such a playing games, talk with each other virtually, etc. Talking about ‘Platform’ it could be such a media in a web site, application on phone, or any other devices. This kind of thing most of the time was viral in 2000s when “Friendster”and then “Facebook” exist and being talked all over the world. So at its time goes by, many people are very curious, and so they tried, then feeling interested.


We can’t resist when we see something new or different whether it’s came from the news that walk past in our eyes or everheard walk-through somebody, still, it could be emotionally somehow heading to us.


Came over curiosity, some people will head into try it immediately, but there’s also who’ll try based on people surrounded requests. Or even never try at all, whether they’re don’t understand, don’t have a friend, or hippie which is anti-technology.


Talk about people are getting interested, how come is it? I guess we can differentiate how the way it is. There are three types of why do people are interested in different way.

  • Generally people really like it when they do casually scroll around the whole its platform, seeing everybody post something whether it’s a text, image, or a video, and also talk to people who made of it by commenting or chat, etc. At the end of the day, what people can do on platform is wide expanded.
  • Geeks, which are people who have experience to use a computer or even the internet, they will be impressed for what’s new everything is about technology, and get curiosity as well as casually would try it out. Hence, these kind of people have intentions to learn more about technology, especially how to build an online platform.
  • Business man or woman, these kind of people I think we’re all know how they could be interested. When they see something reaches bunch of people which it’s called target market, it could be beneficial in the future.

Building a Platform Website as a Project

In minimum educational-sources and networking people who have the same field or intentions and any other things, build a platform is not that simple as how you open google site on your browser really, back then it’s not that easier than nowadays. So here it is the difference how the way to build a platform. But keep in mind, all of this is based on my knwoledge. Kindly correct me if there’s something went so wrong. So, there you go.


What we called project system development a “waterfall” is, simply when we’re as a software / technology company or team, working on a project is linearity and clear picture, so we don’t need to back and forth every single time to make clarifications and stuff because everything was planned at first, all the way we’re working the project. Unless there will be somethings that need to be changed unexpectedly at the end of the project.

Started from briefing, let’s see since client / customer meet the Project Manager, Team Leader, and or any other resources that related to supervisions until how they give a support.


  • Get to know more a project that would be working about by brief talk together
  • Analyze what are the vision and mission, their goals, etc. At the end, all of it would be a strategy / requirements for team.
  • Overall what was discussed, there will be defining estimation and budget.

Requirements Design

  • The requirements docoument will be deliver to the whole team to get an introduction. But still, the first who’s execute the brief is Designer.
  • Project Manager will do brieftalk with a Team leader and a Software Architect di deliver designer and developer tasks to do.
  • Project Manager would be directly discuss and maintain Designer’s works
  • Sometimes Designer needs to make an HTML prototype, so a Quality Assurance will make sure that mock ups and Prototypes are the same before it’s all deliver to Front-End Developer.


  • Front-end Developer will convert an HTML prototype to be a dynamic website.
  • Back-end Developer will be integrated some datas and mantains some components over Front-end Development.
  • Quality Assurance will check it all ensuring if the website is suit with the requirements.
  • Project Manager and Team Leader will ensure website that has developed is ready to present and deliver to Client.


  • Firstly, Quality Assurance, Project Manager, and Team Leader would checking a website that has developed. And then, will be inviting a whole team.
  • After all seems ready there’s no bugs and error, so then it’ll present and deliver to the Client.


When the project is worked done, client’s review it, the project has live on the internet and people could access to it.


Sometimes when the project is done, there will mantain request from client it might be change or fix components or something.


The way we build software, website, platform, etc as we’re in Agile Software Development is slightly different rather than waterfall.

Basically, in this software methodology will started from sprint planing — release where it through out of making a design, development, and testing. So here we go, to get to know how are these with its flow.


State a project, firstly the supervision of the team which is known as a “Product Owner” yes, he will be kick off the project with client in quote talking about funding, scope, and any other things for make this project happen.

Sprint Planning

After deal with client for the project, it hasn’t planned fully 100% before, as we already know how the way waterfall mothodology does. So then, we will working with whole team member of the project to make a User Stories.

User Stories is an informal explanation how people would be use the software. It’s purposely articulate how a software feature will provide people’s value. For example → As a user, I want to write something publicly. So then everybody in the platform know how my stories are.

In this session we’ll put a lot of brainstorming as well. At the end of the day, for a one sprint planning, everybody’s tasks here are estimated one week to be finished.

Requirements Design

In order to not working failure for its Platform’s business, design that’ll made is based on full of clarification back and forth with Product Owner, Client, Developer, etc.

After the design is ready to be developed, it’ll be presented to the Client because they are decisions maker for the project itself.


Most of the time are same with how designer does but the point is do codes not design. And every


Quality Assurance and then the rests of the team will test the software by way of its codes, visual, functionality, bugs, etc. In order it all is steady and ready to be presented to the Client.


It means that, the features, sprints, etc, are finished and Client agrees for what they got over it.


How client gets help for the bugs, error, etc, is working in every time of working sprint or something. It’d be going sustainable until the software itself based on requirements.

Personal Build

In the other hands, there some way to build a Platform one of those is CMS (Content Management System). This way could be worked only small team even personal. This way is could also be a good platform, unfortunately its features not that much customizable rather than build by 100% codes without a CMS way.

“Your social platform will become the motherboard of your business”

At the end of the day, whatever platform it is, it could be beneficial for among teenagers who wan to express themselves to reach insight, people in business environment for marketing their products or make money over it. Hence, making beneficial stuff over a Platform is a worth it!

Cheers out,



Itsavirus Design
Itsavirus Design

Published in Itsavirus Design

Everything in Itsavirus Design Team including stories and perspectives

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