The end of a Chapter

It’s Brant
Published in
2 min readMay 1, 2017

Almost two years ago, I started working for broadcasters on the Twitch platform, and excelled as a Community Manager for N3RDFUSION, and later on with GameChanger Charity as well. I’ve been able to learn a lot from my experiences with both of these companies. I’ve gained knowledge surrounding this industry, in which I am forever grateful. I’ve also built relationships with so many of you that are probably reading this post, you are the reason why I continue to do what I do, and challenge myself on a daily basis, so thank you for that.

I’ve spent the past few months evaluating where I’m going with my career. I absolutely adore this industry and am perfectly content with turning my passion into a career, but I wanted to find where I can use my skills the the best of my ability, learn new things, and also work as a full-time employee for a company, rather than an hourly contractor.

At this point in time I’ve decided to leave my current positions. It’s been a rough decision to make, as I’ve molded long term relationships with so many people because of these opportunities that I’ve been presented with, but now it’s time to move forward and forge new relationships and challenge myself to go even further with my career.

I will still be an active member within the Twitch community, helping out where I can and being that person you can go to if you have any questions — that’s part of what I’ve tasked myself with doing as a Global Moderator. My next endeavor is a big one, and I’m super excited to share it with everyone, I’m not quite ready to share what it is, but I will be very, very soon! I’ll post on my Twitter where I’m going and what I’ll be up to — but trust me, you’ll definitely see me around the Twitch Community still, that is one thing I can promise you.

Thank you all for going on this wild and crazy journey with me so far, it’s just getting started!


