Glenn Sanders
It’s Full of Stars
1 min readDec 31, 2022

Watched the latest Noah Baumbach film based on the Don DeLillo novel (which admittedly I’ve never read).

I found it to be a highly entertaining satire of suburban domestic life, that takes a sharp and somewhat head-scratching left turn in the 3rd act but brings it home in the final scene. I have to assume the narrative is directly adapted from the book, so I don’t fault Baumbach for those choices.

Baumbach’s direction, normally looser, in this case very sharp and tightly composed, with simply fantastic set design that should be nominated for an Oscar. The dialogue as well is terrific — it’s not naturalistic at all, but wonderfully off-kilter and brilliantly played by the cast who totally get what the director is going for.

Definitely worth a watch if you like an indie sensibility and material that’s got some edges without being overly dark. There’s real joy and love at the heart of this film and it shows.



Glenn Sanders
It’s Full of Stars

WGA writer, director, creative leader & innovator who launches major Hollywood tentpole film & TV series. Former video store clerk. Muppet-esque.