Published in
2 min readJan 11, 2022


About 9 years ago, an old friend of mine was tuning his guitar. After a minute, he stopped and said, “That’s good enough for Rock N’ Roll.” That friend passed away not long ago from prostate cancer and his words seem to be resonating with me.

I’ve always operated under the, “Be perfect,” mentality. Or better yet, don’t DO until it’s perfect. It is easy to let the skill of others discount your own talent and hard work in our modern world and music industry with Youtube and Spotify and access to the millions of musicians out there. This “paralysis by analysis,” mindset can stop you on your track and make you second guess yourself to the point where you don’t think you’re good enough.

For the longest time, I let the fear of not being good enough get in the way of me actively pursuing a more fulfilling career in music because I didn’t think I was the best. I figured I would only be considered successful if I was “The Best” guitarist in the world and then, and only then, would I have the career I’ve always sought. What a fool I was.

The biggest lesson in being “Good Enough For Rock n’ Roll” is to get over perfection and go have some fucking fun playing music or whatever you enjoy. You don’t have to be the best… whatever that means. And all of “the best” people in their respective fields only got to be the best through trial and error. Make some mistakes. Don’t let the fear of not being the best stop you from simply….being. You can go sit in a practice room for the rest of your life while you become better than everyone else or you can just get moving and get playing.

Some things don’t have to be perfect. Some things just have to be good enough for Rock N’Roll.




Justin Tsugranes is Front-end Developer, Digital Media Creator… and a pretty neat guy :) www.justintsugranes.com