3 Weekend Ideas That Would Change Your Life

Published in
1 min readOct 22, 2019

Do you desire to help businesses win their consumer’s confidence?

Do you want to build an enterprise application that’s beautiful and intuitive that more people will want to use it, and keep using?

Do you desire to gain a new skill set?

In the words of Robert L. Peters.

“Design creates culture. Culture shapes values. Values determine the future.”

It all starts with a design…

Take advantage of ITSkillsCenter’s UI/UX Design Class which begins on the 2nd of November 2019.

Features a 3 Weekends of Interactive Classes, 3 weeks Online support.

@ 10,000 Naira early registration fee.

Too good to be true? Sign Up Now!




Raising 400,000 business leaders with competence and character - Financially free to leave a dent in the universe. Join Us Now! http://bit.ly/itskillscenter