Data-wrapper Lab 3

Published in
2 min readOct 19, 2020

Google Trends

This data shows the popularity of three social media platforms over the course of fifteen years. MySpace had the most popularity between 2005 to 2008 then Facebook and youtube took over as more popular. The chart shows that facebook and Youtube have replaced MySpace and become the new “go to” social media platforms. Facebook peaked in 2011 and has been steadily decreasing ever since, while youtube has had a very steady run of growth.

Even though each test had a different amount of questions, the average score stayed the same. Because one test had a higher possible score, students felt the score they ended up receiving was higher than the previous test even though the grade itself was not higher. The only thing that changed was the amount of questions possible. it is a trick our mind plays on us, the pie charts allow us to see that in reality, there is actually no difference between the test outcomes.the students just felt better getting a higher number correct.

This chart allows you to compare multiple football skills that were implemtned throughout 2018 by drew Brees and Josh Rosen. it lets you visually see the differene in their performance for the year. By having different skills in different tabs you have more information to base your decision off of.

As you can see, this area graph allows us to see the employment changes from 1990–2017. The labels show us when the dips in the graph happened and what they mean. In this case, the dips represent recessions in the U.S.. They are highlighted to further ephasize when they happened. They are also labeled so the graph has easy access to the exact times of the recessions in America.



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Just a college girl who loves multimedia