TikTok Takeover

Published in
2 min readOct 5, 2020

Since the beginning of its invention, the iPhone has received criticism for its ability to distract us from our real lives. With screen time, you can actually see the amount of time you spend virtually. Check your screen time information in your settings, it may be the wake-up call you need to get off TikTok.

After observing my screen time, I am now aware that TikTok is the most used app on my iPhone. With a total screen time of 8 hours and 12 minutes for one week, measured from Sunday Sept. 20 to Sunday Sept. 27, I now see that I am TikTok crazed.

From Sunday to Sunday I watched my media consumption habits. This week I was down 26% from the amount of media I consumed the week prior. I used my phone for a total of 5 hours and 18 minutes a day. My screen time also let me know how many times I picked my phone up per day. My average number of pickups per day was 144. My highest day of picking up my phone was 197 pick-ups. In one whole week I picked up my phone 721 times.

In total, my accumulated screen time for the full week was 26 hours and 30 minutes. A full day. Out of this week, my top four most used apps were TikTok, YouTube, snapchat, and Instagram. Seeing these results was not surprising. These are no doubt the apps I use the most often.

Another feature I observed on screen time was my daily notifications. My daily average of notifications for this week was 123 a day. The highest amount of notifications came from snapchat. This is because snap chat streaks are important.

While I use these four apps a lot, TikTok takes the cake by a long shot. I used TikTok, on average, 4 hours and 22 minutes a day. This is by far my most used app, with YouTube at 1 hour and 25 minutes, snapchat at 23 minutes, and Instagram at 15 minutes. So, as you can see my app usage is not evenly distributed throughout my phone. TikTok is life.



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Just a college girl who loves multimedia