Hard Accepting

A Poem

Boniface Sagini
1 min readSep 7, 2018


As hard as it is accepting
Again I’ve proved myself a fool!
Am put in the boot and taken for a ride along a bumpy road.
Sweating and suffocating inside,
But irony of ironies, still enjoying the ride!
Then I am let out,
I am made a jolly puppet on a myriad strings
Manoeuvred by arms from far away-
Made to possess a certain sort of servile dedication
That doesn’t pause to ask a question,
with a knack for exactitude,
a dovish demeanour and a amiable attitude.
And to cap it all, a lavish liberality
That seldom holds out its hand
Making this or that demand.
Many times I have caught myself repeating a familiar phrase
But who put this nonsense into my head?
A movie I am made-pause and play, forward,rewind
And it’s clear they’ve messed with my mind.
Once again I offer myseluf a ready tool,
A convenient utility
Dropped off with facility.
If i shall grow out of this skin,
I must educate myself in a new school.

PS: This poem is by Samba Samba, my friend and favourite poet. He however hasn’t published his poems. I think he is great. He should let us read his poems.



Boniface Sagini

Writing is my portion. I do it out of love. I am also not a purist. You might get a typo here and there but don’t lose focus on the big story.