Here’s how you know it’s time to bow out

A Poem

Boniface Sagini
1 min readSep 10, 2018


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Love can make you blind
Stone blind
It can make you overlook many faults.
Miss many red flags

It is dumbfounding
Plain dumbfounding
how much we are willing to put up with to be with a person

Because you know,
We are supposed to be patient
For that’s the definition of true love

But we can only take so much
Because there’s error,
There’s common misunderstanding
And there’s overreaching

Here’s how you know
It’s time to bow out:

If you’re using permanent ink
For someone who’s drawing your memories in pencil

If you are constantly being treated with undeserved unkindness

If you are still chasing after another person like they are not already yours

Or If you don’t know if it’s worth to stay anymore

Because it is not only important that you love someone
But do they love you, want you, long for you
Just as you do them?



Boniface Sagini

Writing is my portion. I do it out of love. I am also not a purist. You might get a typo here and there but don’t lose focus on the big story.