Configure AWS CLI into macOS

Introduction: It’s been so long I did not post any blog so thought of writing one and sharing this work with all of you “Mac Users” struggling with configuring the AWS CLI.

In this blog “I will walk you through step by step process of Configuring & installing AWS CLI in your Mac”.

if you are in zsh path “garimashrivastava@Garimas-Air bin %”

Step by Step Installation:

Note: Python 2.7 or higher version should be installed in your Mac.

  1. Download the AWS CLI version 1 bundled installer using this curl command;

% curl “" -o “”

2. Extract (unzip) the files from the package using this command;

% unzip

3. Now run this command;

% sudo ./awscli-bundle/install -i /usr/local/aws -b /usr/local/bin/aws

4. Now It will ask for your system password to run this command

5. You need to write this command to verify that if AWS CLI installed correctly;

% /usr/local/bin/aws –version

6. You will get this “aws-cli/1.18.158 Python/2.7.16 Darwin/19.6.0 botocore/1.18.17”

7. To start working on AWS CLI write this cmd

% aws configuration

8. Now It will ask for your AWS Account Access Key & Secret Access Key.

AWS Access Key ID [None]: *****************

AWS Secret Access Key [None]: **************

Default region name [None]: ****************

Default output format [None]: ***************

9. Now you can create any resource in your AWS account using CLI Commands.

10. For example if you want to see all the files & folders in your S3 bucket you can write this command;

% aws s3 ls s3://BucketName

****************Thanks for reading this blog*****************

