Cracking the Code: Top tips for a standout ITV Technology Graduate Scheme application

Gemma Greene
ITV Technology
Published in
4 min readOct 6, 2023
Some of our past and present Technology Graduates and the team with Big Brother Hosts, AJ and Will at one of our ITV Social events

We’ve opened applications for our 2024 Technology Graduate Scheme. We’re looking for keen, aspiring technologists to be part of our two-year scheme.

From programming on ITVX to how we make and distribute content live on TV, you’ll get to experience placements across a diverse range of technology disciplines with the aim of setting you up for a successful career in media technology.

Thinking of applying, but not sure where to start? Our 2023 Technology Graduates are here to help. Natalie, Archie, Nio and Harry have shared their top tips with you below.

From left to right: Archie, Harry, Nio and Natalie

“Showcase your transferable skills “ — Natalie

Before joining ITV I studied chemistry at the University of Nottingham. I joined the ITV graduate scheme because of the wide range of placements they offered compared to other schemes that usually only offer three placements, meaning I could try out lots of different roles before deciding which one I liked the most! The thing I am most looking forward to is gaining a breadth of experience across different areas of technology.

My top tip for applying for this graduate scheme is to figure out what your transferable skills are! You don’t need any previous experience but it’s important to show examples of how you would excel in this role.

“Focus on showing your eagerness to learn” — Archie

I studied physics at Leeds for three years before moving to London for the ITV grad scheme! I have always loved tech and tailored my uni degree towards coding as much as I could. ITV appealed to me due to the breadth and diversity of content delivered in the grad scheme. It provides the opportunity to work out which area of technology is best suited to me, which would have otherwise been a gamble. I’m most looking forward to taking on the challenge of learning Scala and developing my technical skills in many different areas around the company.

My top tip for applicants is not to stress about any pre-requisite technical knowledge and focus on being confident, enthusiastic and eager to learn.

“Be prepared to learn new things on the job” — Harry

The main selling point that attracted me to the ITV Technology graduate programme was the wide variety of placement opportunities. I studied Aerospace Engineering at the University of Sheffield, which is an interdisciplinary degree program. This means that while I had a wide variety of experience within the study of engineering, I lacked the focus to know the exact profession in which I could excel.

I’m looking forward to experiencing what it is like to code as part of a team on large projects whilst being able to see and understand the end product. It will also be fascinating to experience the frequent changes of role and am excited to see where my skills can be best utilised.

For those who are looking to apply to the graduate scheme, my advice would be to focus on promoting your curious side. The graduate scheme has a focus towards on the job learning. This means that the hiring criteria is less about what you know and more towards your interests and ability to learn new things.

“Don’t worry too much about your current skill set” — Nio

I have recently graduated from Lancaster University after studying Business Analytics and doing a placement year at NBCUniversal where I worked in the Business Insights team. I joined ITV as I love film and TV and after my placement year I knew I wanted to continue to work in the media industry. The prospect of helping ITVX to grow and develop is a project I am excited to start and be a part of. I am most looking forward to seeing and experiencing many different teams within ITV where I can learn many skills which will help make me the right choices for choosing my career path after the grad scheme.

My top tip for anyone wanting to apply to the graduate scheme is that ITV takes on graduates with many different skill sets, so if you are worried about your potential ability in certain areas don’t let that stop you from applying.

Ready to apply?

Applications for our 2024 intake are open now and will close on 27th October 2023. We’re always looking for keen, aspiring technologists so we look forward to receiving your application.

If you have any questions, please do get in touch at

