Buzzwords !@#$!

Roop Saini
Published in
2 min readAug 15, 2019

Let’s take all these DGNs, push them into the iModelHub using an OpenPlant bridge, so we can write an iModel.js based application that can color-code entities that are marked for demolition.

If you started zoning out halfway through that sentence because it sounds too complicated or if buzzwords such as “infrastructure digital twin” or “immersive connections” frighten you, you have come to the right place.

Believe me, I get it.

When I first joined the iModel.js team last August, that’s exactly how I felt. I realized very quickly that we were solving a huge problem that had many moving parts. I remember thinking to myself why are we doing this? What’s the value in it? What’s the point of the iModelHub? And what is dark data…does it come from an evil place? And these immersive connections….they seem fun, can I make one?

On top of all the confusion, my job required me to jump into random Skype calls in which people would hand out technical jargon like it’s Halloween candy. I’d make sure my mic was on mute so they wouldn’t hear me scratching my head.


In the pursuit of gaining clarity, I made a long list of questions and took it to some of our core developers, managers, and colleagues who had previously worked on infrastructure projects. I gathered all this information and compiled it into a short (6 minute) video that attempts to explain these concepts in a simple way. You can watch it right here:

Now, let’s go back to our original sentence…

Let’s take all these DGNs, push them into the iModelHub using an OpenPlant bridge, so we can write an iModel.js based application that can color-code entities that are marked for demolition.

Does it make sense now? If not, please post any follow-up questions or comments you have below. Let’s make sure we build a good understanding before moving onto our next post. Hint: it will be more technical :)

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