Hop on Board

Roop Saini
Published in
3 min readFeb 27, 2020

Recently, we received several emails about how to get started with iTwin.js. Some people were new to TypeScript, some were new to React and some just wanted to write some good ole lines of code.

This reminds me of my first day at this job.

I was new to the industry and terrified of the learning curve. I secretly prayed that a future version of me would show up and tell me everything I needed to know.

Luckily, time has passed…and now I am a future version of me.

So I present to you: an iTwin.js learning path.

First, let’s build a foundation.

Here are some prerequisites — I recommend watching these if you are new to developing with iTwin.js:

  1. Intro video: describes iTwin.js mission.
  2. Typescript tutorial: short and quick.
  3. React tutorial: for conceptual understanding (JS-based).
  4. React tutorial: short TypeScript example.

Once you have the basics, the next step is to review some iTwin.js specific material.

So we all have our boots strapped.
  1. Overview video: iTwin.js business value | developer perspective.
  2. The samples repo: contains code samples and apps.
  3. Code walkthrough: of an interactive app.

Once we have a basic understanding of an iTwin.js app, next let’s stroll through the frontend samples. These samples showcase how to implement some powerful features.

^ a quick stroll ^

You can learn exactly how to do all of the above, right here.

What’s even better…there are more samples coming! We are always looking for new topics to cover. And who better to ask than you specifically :)
Feel free to post any requests you have in the comments below.

Lastly, let’s not forget these:

Important links for iModel.js developers.

My second day at the job…

…I was still terrified.

I prepared a massive cup of coffee to finally sit down and write some code.

The writer’s block was real. It took me four hours of staring at the screen before I could muster the courage to write my first line of iModel.js code.

But once I did, I couldn’t stop.

I still haven’t.

-Roop, reporting live from the basement.

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