Community Edition

> check it out

Roop Saini
Published in
3 min readMar 19, 2020


There is a new journal in the cloud.

iTwin.js developers are writing into it.

It’s a publication that offers technical discussions for a deeper understanding of the iTwin.js ecosystem.

What does that even mean?

iTwin.js comes from a diverse group of professionals; From UI/UX experts to graphics developers and backend wizards. All these individuals came together to collectively and carefully design this new cloud standard for advancing infrastructure projects.

I recently received an email from one of the developers with information that could be valuable for the iTwin.js community.

The topic: unified selection.

What is it?

In a nutshell:

When using an iTwin.js app, if you select something in the view…

…information about it immediately shows up in the table (bottom), and the tree and property pane (right). All the magic behind pulling this information together and presenting it in a meaningful way is handled by unified selection.

Grigas, the developer behind this feature decided to write a post about it.
It's one of many we plan to share. And with that, I would like to introduce you to:

take me there!

But why?

As mentioned…there are many developers out there familiar with the various facets of iTwin.js. They all have their unique perspectives and areas of expertise. iTwin.js is a huge animal after all.

And we are not just limiting it to the experts. This blog is for anyone wanting to share their experiences or knowledge of iTwin.js.

If that’s you: send us your story at

It could be fun!

You never know :)

-Roop, reporting live from the basement.

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