Jump Start

Roop Saini
Published in
3 min readAug 6, 2020

iTwin.js can render 3D models on web.

“I couldn’t care less.”

So can Forge, Nemetschek, Trimble and Three.js.

“What’s so special about iModel.js?”

Asked an anonymous YouTube commenter.

Welcome to iTwin.js Jump Start

The live event that demonstrates why iTwin.js is the future of modern cloud-based infrastructure development. Topics range from the feature studded sample showcase with its interactive playground…to iModel agents —a state-of-the-art mechanism for solving age old infrastructure problems. This is the playlist you’ve been waiting for.

The event garnered ~ 700 attendees and was broken down into four sessions. This post captures the content for anyone who missed out or wants to revisit.

Getting Started with iTwin.js

We start out by explaining how to quickly setup your own iTwin.js app…and get your design data on the cloud using synchronization.

Creating an Interactive App

Once you have your app setup…its time to enrich it with some features!
You can pick and choose some popular features using our sample showcase. Bonus — it comes with an interactive playground to help you master the APIs.

Features are nice…and I am sure you are excited to have fun in the playground.

Exploring iModel Data

But to truly leverage the full potential of the platform, its important to understand your data. Next we check out tools for exploring iModel data by walking through a real world scenario!

Creating an iModel Agent

Finally — we go beyond the world of web apps, and introduce agents; Services that keep an eye on your digital twin and notify you about custom events that require immediate attention!

Throughout the sessions…we mention challenges for each topic. If you are a fan of learning through tutorials, please head on over to the challenge center.

The last thing you missed — a lively discussion with our iTwin.js experts.
But don’t worry…we got you :) You can read the highlights right here.
Feel free to post any additional questions you have in our discussions page.

With all these fresh resources, I hope you are ready to jump into it!

Courtesy Van Halen

-Roop, reporting live from the basement.

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