MVP, POC or a Prototype

Ayo Oladele
Published in
4 min readMay 28, 2020

Project owners always wonder, Do I need MVP, POC, or a Prototype? In today’s world ideas and concepts are always tumbling down in rushing winds from the silicon valley and every other tech hubs around the globe. However, the dilemma comes when its time to birth this inspiration into life. Most people don’t know how to start.

The best way to create a winning software depends on the strategy of its creation process. If you have a deep knowledge of MVP, POC, or a Prototype and you use them well you are in a very good position to convince potential partners or investors on how realistic and potential worthy your business ideas are. Before then there must be two things ringing in your mind as regards what you want to achieve with the finished product.

  1. Who is my market target?
  2. What am I offering?

Without this settled, you are not worthy of the journey of owning an IT product.

Understanding the difference and making a choice.


Proof of Concept

Beyond just the acronym POC (Proof of Concept). This is a way that business owners use in the validation of an idea or how feasible a concept is. This is always before the commencement of the development process. The idea is to create the project in a small way. It validates if a concept is realistic and can be in terms of both the technicality and business model. The public does not have an idea what’s cooking at this stage.


  • To indicate the feasibility and functional potentials.
  • It is a cost-effective way of product validation.
  • Risks and errors can be identified from the start
  • You know if you will have a headway or not.



The prototype is like rehearsing for a show without the costume yet. In the case of an app, it spotlights screen flow from one to another with a UX present. Prototyping is a very essential procedure in software development. It provides a deep understanding of the app flows, its functionality, and its most essential features. However, all is not set yet as the goal here to perceive how the app will look and work like.


  • Instant feedback.
  • Highlights errors in the design and development stages
  • Transforms complex ideas into a simple one.
  • Very useful for crowdfunding.


Minimum Viable Product

Minimum Viable Product is more concrete as it is standalone and functional. It possesses the main features that are paramount to the application. It can be sent to the other users to harvest user responses and reactions.

While creating an MVP, you verifying the app reality and feasibility, assumptions are being ruled out. All this will be considered alongside the market use and target market. The minimum viable product basically serves as a tool developing an application which is prepared to gather the end-user feedback.

MVP Features

  • High development readiness
  • Top value for users due to feedback
  • Great retention via small investment
  • Saves time and money.

Choose your destiny

Always have it in mind that MVP is the only one that is a functional product. However, POC and prototypes also come into play while making an MVP and the final product.

As a person of idea and creativity, doing a POC will enable you in determining if your goal is technically possible. Ignoring this early stage could lead you to a wild goose chase.

Prototyping is when you drive the vision into the feel, to know how the project will look. This is the time to resources for UI and UX which are instrumental in development.

Still in doubt or in need of consultation and development. iTwis provides the development of Apps, business automation, and various IT services using laser-focused technologies. Contact us today for your IT projects.



Ayo Oladele
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