BookLook: The Process of Creating a Mobile Application

Alexa Menard
Published in
3 min readApr 24, 2018

The assignment was to create an outline of a mobile app of our choice. In addition to the app and the layout, we were also instructed to create user personas for the app as well.

The idea was inspired by a search result on the ChaptersIndigo webpage. Their site is difficult to navigate, even with specific search parameters. People I spoke with noted they wanted simple layouts, easy search options and saveable content. I wanted to create something where users could find books and save them to their phone with the search hassle.

Creating an easy layout that was also visually appealing is what was the hardest part. I struggled with the layout of the search and genre browsing features. I rearranged the layouts of these pages many times.

I drafted six different wireframes for the app. I wanted to keep the app simple and I thought that condensing the options and pages would also make the app less overwhelming for users. I also chose to keep a simple visual hierarchy, so things were easy to find.

I believe I created visually appealing application that is also ready to use. I think that it is also useful for the people I envisioned it for, as well as age appropriate and accessible.

I had to take into consideration what features people want on apps and then apply them to a limited workspace because mobile dimensions are much smaller than a desktop webpage while still making them attractive. In doing this, I believe I met my goal of creating a useable application.

Please see the below images for the user personas, wireframes and final mockups that I created for this assignment.

The final mockups for “Book Look”
The wireframe designs.
The user personas for the application.



Alexa Menard

Alexa is currently a student of Digital Communications at Humber College.