Social Media Campaign Creation

Alexa Menard
Published in
3 min readApr 24, 2018


The social media campaign of #PickItUp2018 was created to make people more aware of the litter and pollution that impacts our environment. With the hashtag, facts and eye-catching photos in this movement encourages people to be more aware of the trash they throw away every day. The images of the social media campaign are below, then keep scrolling for the challenges that I faced and overcame.

The banner images for Facebook and Twitter.
Social media image for Facebook (left), Instagram (centre), and Twitter (right).
The social media avatar for the three chosen platforms (Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook)

Context and Challenge

The assignment was to create a social media campaign and images for it then market the images using dimensions of popular social media platforms. A clear and concise message while still being original and creative was key to successfully completing the assignment. Creating something that people would actually care about was the most challenging part of the assignment.

Process and Insight

Social media campaigns are usually about something that a large amount of people will actually care about. For #PickItUp2018, the idea came when walking down the street and seeing so much litter on the road. Many people do not realize that their trash simply doesn’t go away when they toss it on the sidewalk. Some things take hundreds of years to decompose. #PickItUp2018 and the campaign promotes and encourages people to consider the impact that man-made products have on our environment. Choosing appropriate photos and creating the hashtag was the most challenging part of the assignment. While thinking of what to put as a photo (garbage bins, trash bags, etc.) was not an issue, something that was attention grabbing and poignant had to be chosen.

Solution and Results

For the three social medias, I thought it would be a good idea to have different images and facts for each platform. Facebook had a plastic grocery bag, Instagram had a plastic water bottle and Twitter had a paper coffee cup, each with their own facts about how long it takes to decompose in a landfill. Each image keeps the audience engaged and interested in the facts that we are presenting to them. Rearranging each photo with the appropriate text came easily once the photos were selected. Having a preliminary design was also extremely helpful in laying this out. I had to pick something current and relevant, but that wouldn’t get lost on someone’s timeline and would just get scrolled past. I feel like I created something eye catching and important.



Alexa Menard

Alexa is currently a student of Digital Communications at Humber College.