Congrats Graduates!

May 2023 Indiana University Bloomington Graduation

Congratulations graduates! You did it and we are all so proud of you! The IU Bloomington May graduation ceremony took place on Friday May 5th and Saturday May 6th, 2023 at Memorial Stadium. It was the one hundred and ninety-fourth commencement ceremony to take place on this campus; 7,103 bachelor’s degrees, 2,585 master’s degrees and 557 doctoral degrees were awarded, respectively.

IUB president, Pamela Whitten, wrote the following letter to graduates in the May 2023 commencement booklet:

Graduates, thank you for being a part of the IU Bloomington family; in our traditions, in your struggles and successes, and in our efforts to build a bigger and better future!

Come and join in song together,
Shout with might and main;
Our beloved Alma Mater,
Sound her praise again.

— Joe T. Giles, Class of 1894

