Having a Sibling at College

Nicole Lekatsos
IU Visitor Information Center
2 min readFeb 6, 2021

After my commitment of attending Indiana University, it was up to my twin sister to decide where she wanted to spend the next four years. Shortly after my decision, she decided on Indiana University. To be honest, I was pretty thankful we were going to spend the next four years together because she’s my best friend.

I knew we would make so many memories together and even if we weren’t together every day, I knew she would always be someone I can lean on. She was a piece of home.

Although not everyone sees going to the same college as their sibling as a benefit, my experience truly has been phenomenal. Ever since we were young we did practically everything together from sports to friends to even living together senior year. I knew I would always have my sisters back no matter how annoyed I got with her. I know she would do the same for me. To some, having a sibling at the same school may seem irritating, but I can assure you when you see them on campus it is refreshing.

I struggled to try to be different from my sister and explore other schools because I had a gut feeling we were going to end up at the same place. I struggled with worrying about her and her mental health throughout school and most of all it was my responsibility to pick her up when she was down. These are all aspects that I knew I was going to deal with, but aspects that are no different than being a sister. It is challenging to juggle a sibling relationship at school because they are going to be in the back of your mind; you’re going to see them more often. However, it is a balance I knew I wanted and helped shape me as a person.

Deciding to come to the same school as your sibling is difficult. I had to weigh all the advantages and disadvantages. You never truly know what it is going to be like because every relationship is different. All I know is there was someone so close to me so far from home that I know I can count on no matter what. Now we are living together and I wouldn’t want it any other way.

