It’s Okay to Fail

Sierra Lee
IU Visitor Information Center
1 min readMar 20, 2023

I am in my junior year and I received my first F ever on an exam. When I received this grade on an exam, I really thought I should just drop out of physics and give up. Maybe medical school isn’t for me if I don’t understand physics. However, my perspective changed once I realized that I can learn from my mistakes and do better. My grades do not define me, but what does is my determination and resiliency.

Experiencing failure is not a bad thing to experience. Honestly, it can be a wake-up call for you to change your behavior and mindset. One bad grade is not going to determine if I get into medical school, but what will is how I approach my studying, improve my time management, re-setting my priorities, and having to make sacrifices that will, in the future, be the best decision for me. It is very important to have a good support system. Whether that be with your family, friends, professors, even advisors! I would not have been able to get through physics without these people. It is okay to fail, but do not let that stop you from achieving your goals and don’t be discouraged.

