Top 10 Tips for Rushing a Business Fraternity

Phi Gamma Nu - Delta Psi


By: Mark Rich

Congratulations! You’ve finally decided to rush a professional business fraternity. Whether you’re trying to enhance your professional skills or find an organization that you can call home, rushing a business fraternity is a great start. On the IU campus, we have numerous business fraternities that can fulfill your needs and the key to having a successful rush experience is making sure to stand out. Below, I list the Top 10 Tips that can help you get the most out of rushing a business fraternity.

1. Find your fit

Seeing that there are many business fraternities to choose from, it is smart to go to as many Meet the Chapter events as possible. Typically at these events, students give presentations about their organization and allow you to meet their members. This gives you the opportunity from the very start of your rush process to see which business fraternity is best for you. Once you find your fit (sooner is better than later), you can then focus on the one business fraternity you want to join. This is the most crucial tip for rushing because if you receive and accept a bid, you’ll be a part of this organization for the rest of your college career!

2. Talk to as many people as possible

Once you receive the opportunity to talk to the members within a business fraternity, be sure to introduce yourself to EVERYONE. I literally mean EVERYONE! This is very important because you want as many people as possible to recognize you, know your name, and be able to say positive things about you. By putting yourself out there and making a good impression on everyone that you meet, you greatly increase your chances of receiving a bid.

Don’t be afraid to talk to brothers outside of rush events

3. Follow-up

There will be many opportunities to talk to the members of business fraternities. Make sure to talk to members numerous times throughout your rush process. Even if you see a member outside of a rush event, be friendly and introduce yourself again. Be sure to find new things to talk about and always be sure to thank the members that you’ve spoken to for their time. If you want to go the extra mile, feel free to email the members coordinating the events and thank them for the opportunity to rush.

4. Attend as many events as possible

As soon as you receive the whole rush schedule, be sure to put those dates, times, and locations into your phone or calendar as soon as possible. Going to most, if not all, of the events allows you to meet more members and learn more about the business fraternity. Each event has something special to offer, so you should try your best to attend as many as possible.

5. Be you

Rushing a business fraternity can be intimidating. You’re often dressed in professional attire and you’re speaking to people you’ve never met before, but the sooner you come out of your shell, the sooner you’ll be able to connect better with the members of the business fraternity! You want to be sure to be positive, passionate, and excited about being at the events. All of the members in the business fraternity are excited to meet you, so be sure to let your personality shine!

6. Be professional

Although we want you to show us your true self, be sure to remember that you are in a professional setting. Inappropriate dress, comments, or actions will not be well received by ANY business fraternity. When rushing, act as if you’re applying for your dream job. You want to make sure that you’re putting your best foot forward and you’re leaving a positive image in the minds of the people that you talk to.

5 Minutes with a Brother — a video series produced by Phi Gamma Nu — Delta Psi

7. Learn how to tell interesting stories

When you rush a business fraternity, you will soon realize that there are a lot of people rushing and that there are only so many bids that the business fraternity can give. One way to stand out from the pack is by having interesting stories to tell. Now, you might be thinking that you don’t have anything interesting to share, but trust me, you do. If you play an instrument, share that! If you were in the Yo-Yo Club in high school, share that! You will find out quickly that you will hear the same questions over and over about where you’re from, what your favorite sport is, what your major is, etc. There are endless stories that you can share so that way people remember you. If your stories are interesting, appropriate, and tie-in well with the values of the business fraternity, then you’ll make the experience more enjoyable for yourself and the people that you meet.

8. Do your homework

During your free time, be sure to find out more about the business fraternities you’re interested in. Check out their Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and website to find out more information about the organization. If you need an outside opinion about the business fraternity, feel free to ask Kelley faculty or upperclassmen friends that you trust about their thoughts of the organization. At the end of the day, you should feel confident about your decision to potentially join the business fraternity, and the best way to do that is by being informed.

9. Don’t be afraid to talk about your success

You will get asked many times throughout your rush experience about your biggest accomplishments while you were in high school or the beginning of college. Don’t be afraid to share those great things about yourself! Whether you started a club in high school or you received 1st place in a competition, make sure to highlight your achievements. Don’t ramble on and on about your past success, but be sure to share your past experiences or accomplishments confidently without shame or fear of being too boastful about yourself. If you have something impressive to say about yourself, don’t hold back!

10. Have fun!

This is probably the most important tip when rushing a business fraternity. Although it can sometimes be stressful, time consuming, and uncomfortable (come on, we all know that professional attire isn’t the most comfy thing to wear), this experience is all about you and it should be fun for you. Business fraternities plan months in advance to make sure that you have the best rush experience possible. This is one of the best opportunities to make some great connections and potentially get some new best friends. It happened to me, and I am confident that it can happen to you if you have fun with it. Good luck with rushing a business fraternity, and I hope to see you around!

Some of my brothers in the professional business fraternity Phi Gamma Nu — Delta Psi

