Shareable Community: Mapping the lifestyle of the “New Locals”

2 min readSep 17, 2020
A typical day journey of a young parents ‘new locals’.

Speaking of Shanghai, people tend to think of its exotic French concession, vibrant street life, and cultural activities. Xinhua community, is one of the kind consists all above.

Due to Xinhua’s close proximity to city center and relatively low living cost and attracts young creative working class to settle in and become the “new locals”.

More than half of the people live and work in the same neighborhood.

The project mapped the lifestyles of the “new locals” according to preferable Point of Interest (Baidu POI), cycling routes (MoBike data), living concentration (demographic & house price data) to identify community reusable space and space structure.

Neighborhood mapping using various data sources
Mapping of the “small data” — love and hates by the local people. vs “big data” .

By creating shareable community hubs, better cluster linkages, and an online neighborhood platform, residents, administrators, and public sectors can work together to improve the neighborhood.

To rethink the neighborhood regeneration from a bottom-up approach.




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