How Ivideon’s video surveillance system is set up: reviewing the user web application

Daniil Bozhin
Published in
7 min readApr 16, 2019

This article will introduce you to the user web application, and we’ll start by looking at how to access it.

Getting in is easy — all you have to do is follow this link in any browser and enter your email address and password.

Once in, you’ll find yourself on the Cameras webpage. If this is your first time and you don’t have any cameras hooked up, check out the menu on the left-hand side. That’s where you access all the main settings.

Hooking up and configuring cameras

The Cameras section of the menu is where you add and configure your devices. Note that it’s not just videos from your own cameras that you’re configuring; you also have access to the cameras third parties have shared with you.

Let’s dive in there for just a second. For example, you and your roommate might have set up Ivideon for yourselves, sharing your respective cameras with each other for when one or the other of you goes on vacation. Another instance could be when a big company shares control for an entire building with the night shift and leaves each individual daytime operator handling just their own pool of cameras.

We should note that the cameras you were shared viewing access to are displayed separately from your own. All of them can be grouped. When you have a ton of cameras and people, managing your video surveillance system can be exhausting, which is why we have a context menu that lets you check out, create, edit, move, and delete camera groups as well as share access rights to them.

Depending on what you’re trying to do, you can clearly delineate which employees have access to what, letting your managers just watch video while your security team also modifies camera placement and zoom, for instance.

To view the picture from a particular camera in full-screen mode, just find it in the general list.

You sometimes also need to do the opposite when you have a system with a large number of cameras, going to look for a shot of a particular location, and for that we let you search for the camera using its MAC or IP address. Network addresses are displayed in the settings for each camera along with their password, time, and display and sound settings.

One click on the cell you’re looking for, and you’re done. You can click on the respective icons to adjust camera positioning and image zoom.

Each camera is displayed on the map, which means you can easily keep an eye on things and even send a quick-response team in when an event occurs no matter how complex your system of locations is.

One more free option is the ability to post your camera to Ivideon TV, our general access map. The website lets you browse and check out the different cameras users open. All cameras are subject to pre-moderation — Ivideon TV stays away from the kind of broadcasts where people like to self-express free of clothing.

Working with events

The Events section is for working on how the system reacts to a variety of cases.

The system understands an event to be when a motion or sound detector goes off, both cases indications of activity at one of your locations. The system creates a short video segment for every event so you can quickly find out what happened.

The duration of the segment depends on your pricing plan. You can only record ten-second clips and store them for 24 hours with the free version, while paid plans let you record all events in full.

All events can be filtered, and you can also stop showing the events you don’t care about at the moment. The following filters are available:

· By camera or camera group

· By event type (device added, online, offline, motion, sound, sensor)

· By time period

This section goes beyond showing all events from all cameras on one screen; there’s also the option to only show events from one selected camera or one camera group.

Events can always be shared to social media or via direct link.

Working with the archive

As we’ve already discussed, both local and cloud storage work for data pulled from cameras using our system.

The cloud option is only available with a paid subscription. You make payments in the web application, and your balance is always shown at the top of the screen.

All videos in the archive can be watched at any time using the system’s native video player. The interface is exactly what you’d expect with one small difference: saved video recordings are highlighted blue on the timeline. Just click on one of them to start watching.

We also made sure you have a way to export archived video recordings for viewing on any computer. Once in the main window for this section, click on the preview for any recording.

Archived recordings can also be filtered by date.

Keeping your finger on the pulse

To make sure you have complete control over your locations, our developers added expanded monitoring for cash register areas, queue detection, and a face recognition system.

Let’s talk about what that means for you.

Combating queues

Long lines don’t make for successful retail — they’re more than enough to make shoppers change their minds about visiting your store. But now you have a powerful weapon in your fight against evil.

Using your cameras and our queue detection algorithms, you can quickly react when queues appear, making sure your customers stay right where they are in your store. Just hook up practically any camera and activate the Queue module in the web application.

At the end of each work day, you can also check out all the information that was collected for the lines in your retail outlets, encouraging or reprimanding your team as needed.

You can also find out about lines in your store remotely by activating the notification function.

Face recognition

To quickly track clients and less-welcome guests at your store or office, we implemented face recognition technology. It’s a paid service, but you’d better believe it’s worth it. You can use it to prevent theft at your store or make sure the expensive equipment in your office isn’t stolen.

You get the ability to identify up to 100 unique faces per day with just one camera. You can create white and black lists yourself, not to mention getting reports on recognized faces that include their gender and age. If a visitor was previously recognized by the system, it will quickly find them in the archive.

This is also a way for you to keep an eye on when your employees come and go every day. If need be, you can allow or prohibit access to different facilities, limit the number of smoke breaks they can take, and track how long they take for lunch.

Creating reports

Using the Reports service, you can configure how you want information displayed all on your own. There are event reports for each camera as well as each camera group. You can even decide for yourself how often you’d like to see reports.

To see past reports, head over to the Reports available section.

My services

This is where you manage the pricing plans for your cameras, making sure everything’s the way you want it, checking on when your pricing plans are set to expire, and making payments as needed.


The Settings section lets you ensure that our service is working easily and effectively, just how you want it to. You can select your time zone, change your password, or reset it if you forgot what it is.

To learn more about what the system can do, check out our newsletter. You’ll even get a subscription to the promotions we run.

This is also where you can select the best pricing plan for individuals or businesses, also signing service contracts electronically.

Help is on the way

We do everything we can to help no matter if you’re paying for our services or not. All of our clients are important to us, and we’re more than happy to assist.

As we do our best to make sure working with our system is simple, easy, and convenient, we added a FAQ page you can access from the Help section. Check it out to watch videos on how to best use the system and leverage everything it has to offer.

If you still have questions even after watching, send us a message using our feedback form.

