Dart for beginners

Step one to become a flutter Developer

Tony Wilson jesuraj
IVYMobility TechBytes
4 min readOct 21, 2021


Okay, The step one is learning Dart and understanding dart, So once we step into flutter it will be much easier.

part-2 -Basic operation of Array in dart

Hope this blog will help to know about basic of dart or help to recall it

Dart is static language.

1. Always with main()

In Dart main() is important, without void main()our code will not run.

Free advise : use dartpad.devfor running dart

Always start with

2. Fight with semicolon;

The developer’s enemy (semicolon) comes with dart, So don’t forget to put semicolon(;) at the end always

so just print to print the statements

3. Declaring (war) variables

3.1 normal type

3.2 Type inference. And also we can declare as var,

dart will automatically get the data type by assigned value.

3.3 Final, final is like declaring variable only for read (we can’t rewrite)

3.4 const , same like final. advantage is compile time constant and using const is best practice

3.5 Dynamic, it can be any data type and also we can change the data type like

This is how we declare variables in dart

Free advise, don’t get confuse. take a breath

Note: we can use single (‘’) or double (“”)quotes for string

4. concat in dart

This is joining two variables into one.

same like for int and other variables

5. String fun

so to print $ we use \ in front

and \n for new line

And for multiline use """ """

To upper case

To lower case

Contains in dart

contains will return bool value.

contains('The string we want to check')


.isNotEmpty is opposite for isEmpty


Int into string

To String As Fixed

like 1.2345 into 1.23 or 1.234

String into double


like 1.322 into 1

and also

6.Ternary access operator

its simple dimple

name == 'tj' so we get jesuraj otherwise it will be wilson

Covered some dart basics in this blogs.

To know about arrays in dart click here

If any mistake or you need to shout me, comments session in always opened

other blogs - arrays in dart

நன்றி வணக்கம் || Thank you

