Mastering in SQLite

Changing Data

Sridharan T
IVYMobility TechBytes
4 min readApr 24, 2020


Before getting into changing data, if you haven’t covered the previous topic- Constraints, then get into it.

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Changing Data

Here we are gonna discuss about how to modify data in the table.


After creating a table, we need to insert data into a table. This can be done by INSERT statement. SQLite provides various forms of the INSERT statements that allow you to insert a single row, multiple rows, and default values into a table.


The following statement add a row into marvelCharacters table

To add multiple rows,

The third form of the insert statement is INSERT DEFAULT VALUES, which inserts a new row into a table using the default values specified in the column definition or NULL if the default value is not available and the column does not have a NOT NULL constraint.


To update existing data in a table, we should follow the rules

  • First, specify the table where you want to update after the UPDATE clause.
  • Second, set new value for each column of the table in the SET clause.
  • Third, specify rows to update using a condition in the WHERE clause. The where clause is optional. If you skip it, the update statement will update data in all rows of the table.


Update one column,

To see the changes, use the select command to view the table.

Update multiple columns,

Update all rows,

The upper( ) function will change the names to upper case.


You have learned how to insert a new row into a table and update existing data of a table. Sometimes, you need to remove rows from a table. In this case, you use SQLite DELETE statement.

The SQLite Delete statement allows you to delete one row, multiple rows, and all rows in a table.The rules to be followed are

  • First, specify the name of the table which you want to remove rows after the DELETE FROM keywords.
  • Second, add a search condition in the where clause to identify the rows to remove. The where clause is an optional part of the delete statement. If you omit the where clause, the delete statement will delete all rows in the table.


To delete a single row,

Suppose if we need to delete the names who have salary < 10000.

This will delete all the rows of the person who has salary less than 10000.

To delete all rows from the table, you just need to omit the where clause statement as


The idea of the REPLACE statement is that when a unique or primary_key constraint violation occurs, it does the following:

  • First, delete the existing row that causes a constraint violation.
  • Second, insert a new row.

In the second step, if any constraint violation e.g., NOT NULL constraint occurs, the replace statement will abort the action and roll back the transaction.


The following REPLACE statement inserts a new row into the marvelCharacters table because Hulk details is not present in the marvelCharacters table.

Reach out the next topic - Filtering Data

