Migration - JavaScript is moving fast — my experience with AngularJS

Atul Gunjal
Published in
2 min readMay 30, 2018

Long long ago (far away from the galaxy) we all used to have static pages on the web. Static HTML pages were prevalent. Then the era of web applications took over. Subsequently it paved the way for interactive and dynamic web application that generate dynamic HTML.

Then “Single Page” HTML started playing the predominant role. It started making websites responsive. It started supporting mobile, tables, in addition to the desktop. It helped in improving the overall performance of the web application as it has to make “zero” or “less” queries to server to download pages.

Angular JS is a structural framework that helps you in building dynamic views in the Single Page HTML. In short, it has extended HTML’s syntax to let your application’s components be expressed clearly and precisely.

When do I have to use Angular JS?

Angular JS is prevalent in developing applications like:

  • Video streaming
  • User review
  • Travel Apps
  • Social Apps

I have used AngularJS for building feature-rich applications in

  • Logistics
  • Retail
  • Education

Why do I switch over to AngularJS?

Some compelling reasons to jump on the Angular bandwagon.

  • MVC: This feature allows me to split the app into multiple components.
  • Ease of organizing HTML code.
  • It is a rapid development tool which has built-in features like Restful action, data binding, dependency injection.

Which pitfalls have I avoided?

While joining the Angular JS bandwagon, one needs to avoid following pitfalls. These are:

  • Confusion: multiple options are available to do similar things.
  • Grid and list displays: It is little sluggish in operations.

Other technologies which I used jointly with AnjularJS

ASP.NET Web API: In earlier days SOAP and WCF Web Services are used. ASP.NET Web API framework with HTTP services allows you to build the application which can allow you to reach more browsers and devices. It is an ideal platform to build a RESTful application on the .NET platform.

ASP.NET SignalR Library: This library can help you to build the real-time functionality to your application. The library allows you to build a code where Web-sockets are handled elegantly.


I will suggest giving a thought to using AngularJS for building a Single Page application is worthwhile. Nowadays it is our as well as our customers choice. However some are asking us to work on ReactJS, but I will cover my comments on it in the separate blog.

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Atul Gunjal

I am CEO of IWORKTECH, Pune, India. My company provides enterprise solutions in utility, education and mobility.