Interactive and Kinetic Typography: Iteration III

Narrowing in on a Concept

Monica Looze
IxD Prototyping Process
2 min readApr 21, 2017


After reflecting on the previous concept, I decided to focus on color theory as the single design decision users could make. I also decided to target children as the primary user.

Tangible Interaction

A tangible interaction was important to me because I like to build physical objects and I think bringing physical computing to children is an interesting way to teach them about color theory without making a mess. In essence, I decided to build a toy.

The Control

I began to think about what the control for the interaction could look and feel like. Play-doh blobs did not signal that the interaction would teach the user about color theory. At best, it encouraged users to mix up the play-doh, ruining the the aesthetic and breaking the functionality. I knew I wanted to use play doh because I still wanted to use a Makey Makey as the micro-controller.

I finally landed on a paint palette with play-doh filled paint pots as the control. It feels quite literal, which is good for children, and it maps to an easily recognizable mental model of color and paint. The user would touch each paint pot to change the colors on the screen.

An Example of the Control

