Kinetic and Interactive Typography

Prototyping for Interaction Design Final Project

Monica Looze
IxD Prototyping Process
3 min readApr 20, 2017


Project Brief

Students will be creating responsive Kinetic Typography work for their final assignment. You will use the word “DESIGN” in your project. You will integrate an interactive element or series of interactive elements in your typography work. The work should be scalable. In other words, you should demonstrate your work in various types of interface platforms (e.g. small screen, large screen, AR, VR, Tangible Interface, etc.

Brainstorming + Sketching

I began thinking about the problem in an art or design museum setting. I was inspired by an interactive Pong game that was projected on the floor at Target. Because we were required to use the word Design in the project, I wanted to be sure that design was used in an educational way. I thought about how attract and orient users to the word design projected on the floor. I envisioned a proximity sensor that would play the sound of foot steps as well as project footsteps on the floor to show the user that stepping on the letters would do something.

I planned to assign each letter to a designer, whether industrial, graphic, fashion or otherwise, morphing the letter into a famous design as a conduit for education.

Iteration I Storyboard

After thinking about the floor projection further, I considered a stronger concept for a museum would push back against the “no touching rules”, instead encouraging users to pick up objects and use a dynamic projection to educate them about the objects they picked up.

The story board shows an iconic Eames chair. It also shows the change in state from the initial word Design and the educational information that followed.

