Kinetic and Interactive Typography Final Project: Iteration II

A New Direction

Monica Looze
IxD Prototyping Process
2 min readApr 20, 2017


After some reflection, I thought about how interacting with the word design could include actual design decisions. In this case, I thought people could be taught about typographic weight using an actual scale and touch playdoh for mixing colors. I also made a preliminary animation for what the inputs could look like projected.

More Typographic Iteration

I like Helvetica for its clarity and history in the field of design. Its ubiquity and history made it seem like a solid choice for the project. Because I had intended this to be for children to interact with, I wanted the colors to be playful, overlap a bit, and be bold.

What Worked

  • Shifting the concept away from purely informational to a conduit for making design decisions felt like a more compelling way to create interaction with the word Design.

What Didn’t

  • The scale as an input did not really teach anything about typographic weight. It also felt a bit too technical.
  • While the play doh option was intended to work with a Makey Makey circuit, blobs of play doh by themselves did not provide clear enough affordances or signifiers to show that touching them would mix color.

