Call for nominations

2020–2023 IxDA Board of Directors

Brenda Sanderson
Published in
3 min readNov 11, 2019


The Interaction Design Association (IxDA) is accepting nominations to the 2020–2023 IxDA Board of Directors.

As a volunteer-led and supported organization with no paid membership and virtual operations, IxDA relies on leadership emerging directly from our global community. We are seeking highly motivated and passionate individuals, ready to shape and guide the organization in furthering IxDA’s goals and mission. Nominations will be accepted until Friday, 6 December 2019, at 11:59 pm EST.

About IxDA

Incorporated as a 501(c)(3) non-profit entity in the United States, the Interaction Design Association is a global community focused on discussing and advancing the discipline of interaction design. Our community of interest continues to grow at an amazing pace. This growth reflects the increasing importance of and attention given to interaction design worldwide. In its 16-year history, IxDA has grown to 100,000+ community members and more than 200 IxDA local groups worldwide.

The organizational mission the IxDA Board supports:

We believe that the human condition is increasingly challenged by poor experiences. IxDA intends to improve the human condition by advancing the discipline of Interaction Design. To do this, we foster a community of people that choose to come together to support this intention. IxDA relies on individual initiative, contribution, sharing and self-organization as the primary means for us to achieve our goals.

About the IxDA Board of Directors

The IxDA Board of Directors is a nine-person volunteer Board comprising members of the community who serve as leaders for IxDA globally. The Board is governed by our Terms of Reference.

We need your leadership and vision to keep the spirit of the organization alive and support our ability to provide platforms for the community to gather on and advance the discipline of interaction design together.

Current members of the IxDA Board include Alok Nandi (President), Kevin Budelmann (Vice President), Katja Forbes (Secretary), Michelle Berryman (Treasurer), Birgit Geiberger Boersma, Brenda Laurel, Niklas Mortensen, Ana Domb and Andrea Mignolo.


The positions of President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary have defined responsibilities according to IxDA’s official incorporation as a non-profit entity. Officers are elected by vote of the Board.


Directors not holding officer roles may be responsible for one or more major IxDA initiatives, such as events, education, communications and global coordination of regional and local leaders.

Open positions

There are two eligible Board positions open for the upcoming term. Alok Nandi and Birgit Geiberger Boersma will complete their terms and retire from the Board effective 8 February 2020.

Michelle Berryman, Kevin Budelmann, Niklas Mortensen, Brenda Laurel, Katja Forbes each have an additional year to serve in their current term. Ana Domb and Andrea Mignolo each have two additional years to serve.

Each Director’s term is three years with the opportunity to take on a second consecutive term. New Directors selected to join the IxDA Board will serve through February 2023.

Roles and responsibilities

The Director role requires the following commitment:

  • Average of 5 hours/week attending to IxDA business
  • Participation in a bi-monthly Board meeting by teleconference
  • Active participation in supporting and achieving IxDA’s strategic objectives
  • Accountable for leading at least one major initiative/portfolio
  • Attend the Board of Director’s annual mid-year retreat (travel & accommodation covered)
  • Attend the Board of Director’s annual retreat at the Interaction conference (registration, travel & accommodation covered)

Key Dates


11 Nov: Call for nominations open
6 Dec: Nominations close
w/o 9 Dec: Shortlisting candidates
w/o 16 Dec: Candidate interviews
20 Dec: New directors notified


1–2 Feb: Annual Board retreat prior to Interaction 20
7 Feb: New Board presented during Interaction 20

Decision Process

At the close of the nomination period, the current Board will review all nominations and vote to fill the open position.

IxDA is committed to a leadership team that is diverse and inclusive. Representation of experience, age, gender and ability will all be considered in the decision-making process.

The new Board members will be notified by 20 December. A public announcement will be made at that time and the new Board in its entirety will be presented to the IxDA community during Interaction 20.


Nominations will be accepted until Friday, 6 December at 11:59 pm EST. You may nominate yourself or someone else:


Do you have questions or feedback about the nomination process or current Board? Please contact us here:



Brenda Sanderson

Foodie. Traveler. Design nerd. Runner. Même les postes en français sont les miennes. Opinions are mine alone.