The IxDAwards #NominationChallenge

Point us to the people and projects you’ve admired most this past year

Ruth Tupe
2 min readSep 19, 2018



What’s the #NominationChallenge?

Every year, we see great submissions from agencies and large companies. However, we KNOW there are even more phenomenal designers out there doing great work, who deserve to be celebrated on the world stage.

THIS is the year for us to find the most awesome designers from everywhere, whether they work at smaller agencies, or are freelancers, students, and especially if they’re a part of underrepresented group. No one has a better eye for finding outstanding underrated talent than the design community itself, and if you have that eye, we need your help! We invite you to participate in the IxDAwards #NominationChallenge

It is super simple — here’s how it works:

  1. Nominate: On the social media platform of your choosing, nominate three individuals or companies (feel free to do more) who you feel have done amazing design work in the past year. Be specific as possible (ie. John, I am a big fan of the project you did about/ for ____________.)
  2. Tag: Use the hashtag #nominationchallenge and #IxDAwards. You could also include our handle: @IxDAwards.
  3. Rinse and repeat: Think about this like giving props to all your fellow designers. Tell your colleagues about it as well. The more you share, the more likely the community can find that hidden 💎. And remember to remind them to nominate three more people!

Those who get multiple shout-outs will receive a discount code on submission fees (make sure to use the hashtags!)

Sample tweets that you could send out:

I want to nominate [@handle] for the 2019 #IxDAwards, for their work on [project name]. It’s some of the best design work I’ve seen this year, and the community should celebrate it.

THE most awesome design project I’ve seen this year is [@project], @person @person should get an #IxDAward for their badass work. #nominationchallenge

@person, the #servicedesign work you did for @company was 🔥🔥🔥. It’s SO good, it should get an award 👌🏽 #nominationchallenge #IxDAwards

Show some love

This is a great way to show some love and support to your fellow designers out there doing some incredible work. We look forward to seeing your nominations on the Twittersphere!

✌🏽❤️ IxDAwards Committee

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Ruth Tupe
Writer for

Addicted to: coffee, period dramas, and making sense of things. Interaction designer, researcher, strategist.