Open call for nominations:

Regional Coordinator for Asia and Oceania

Brenda Sanderson
Published in
4 min readJun 26, 2018


IxDA is accepting nominations for a new Regional Coordinator for Asia and Oceania. With 23 local groups, this region is poised to grow significantly as IxDA’s global community continues to expand.

We are looking for a leader who cares for our vibrant community, the IxDA and our mission. We believe in supporting each other, collaborating, being proactive and self-organized, while understanding the dynamic of a volunteer organization.

Nominations, for yourself or for others you think would be an excellent community leader, will be accepted until Friday, 27 July 2018, at 11:59 pm GMT.

About IxDA

The Interaction Design Association is a global community focused on discussing and advancing the discipline of interaction design, and the community of interest is growing at an amazing pace. This growth reflects the increasing importance and interest in interaction design. Today, IxDA is a community of 100,000+ globally with 200+ IxDA Local Groups in 60 countries.

There is always so much more we could be doing. We are seeking your leadership and vision to keep the spirit of the organization alive and support our ability to provide platforms for the community to gather and advance the discipline of interaction design together.

The IxDA Board of Directors is an eight-person volunteer team comprised of member of the IxDA community who are serving as leaders for a two-year term.

Our mission drives our community:

We believe that the human condition is increasingly challenged by poor experiences. IxDA intends to improve the human condition by advancing the discipline of Interaction Design. To do this, we foster a community of people that choose to come together to support this intention. IxDA relies on individual initiative, contribution, sharing and self-organization as the primary means for us to achieve our goals.

Regional Coordinators help further this mission, as well as provide liaison between the IxDA Board and local groups.

As a volunteer-led and supported organization with no membership fees, IxDA relies on leadership emerging directly from the community. We are seeking highly motivated and passionate individuals, ready to shape and guide the organization in furthering IxDA’s goals and mission.

About the role: Asia and Oceania Regional Coordinator

Regional Coordinators serve two year terms, that may be renewed with no term limits, for as long as the individual wishes to support IxDA and its mission.

Roles & responsibilities

The role of the Regional Coordinator is to create and manage a volunteer team to oversee the needs of their region, including:

  • Support the growth of IxDA in the region
  • Monitor new local group requests and follow up in a timely manner
  • Onboard and mentor local groups and guide new groups into becoming active locally, regionally and globally
  • Manage relationships when local leadership is changing hands and offer support to new leader(s)
  • Ensure that local group information for the region is accurately recorded and updated annually
  • Develop the spirit of community within the region groups
  • Facilitate discussion and connections between local groups in their region, in person or online via IxDA platforms — ie: Slack, Basecamp, Zoom
  • Share information on new chapters, local leadership, announcements from the board, major events organized by the local groups.
  • Encourage discussion between local leaders in their region and between their region and other IxDA regions


  • Support the Board of Directors in understanding the regional needs and how best to support our local groups
  • Support the Board of Directors in evolving and defining an appropriate governance model of local groups to support the growth of local groups worldwide
  • In consultation with the Board of Directors, develop the appropriate volunteer team to achieve the outcomes established for the region.
  • Develop and program the annual Local Leader Retreat (held at the annual Interaction conference) in collaboration with other Regional Coordinators and local leaders

The Regional Coordinator role requires the following commitment:

  • Participation in a virtual meetings (quarterly) with fellow Regional Coordinators and Board
  • By-monthly 1:1 calls with the Board representative
  • Active participation in initiatives that support a strategic direction for the organization as they relate to local and regional needs
  • Average of 2–5 hours attending to IxDA business a week
  • Attend annual meeting with Board of Directors at the Interaction conference
  • Must reside in the region

Selection process

After all nominations are received, the current Board and Regional Coordinators from Europe, Asia, Africa, Latin America and North America will review all nominations and select the best suited candidate for the position.

After nominations are received on Friday, 27 July 2018, at 11:59 pm GMT, those nominated will be informed. The Board and Regional Coordinators will interview candidates as appropriate, and the Board will vote on the nominations. After the position has been voted on and accepted, the Board of Directors will announce the new Regional Coordinator in August 2018.

The new term will begin immediately, and the new Regional Coordinator will be expected to attend Interaction19 in from 3–10 February 2019 in Seattle. Registration, airfare and accommodation are covered.

Nominations will be accepted until Friday, 27 July 2018, at 11:59 pm GMT.

Submit your nomination



Brenda Sanderson

Foodie. Urban Farmer. Knitter. Design nerd. Runner. Opinions are mine alone.