Advantages the Metaverse Could Bring to Our Society

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IXFI Exchange
Published in
5 min readFeb 1, 2022

Is the Metaverse our friend or our enemy? Every one of us has to come to a conclusion sooner or later about what the presence of the Metaverse could bring to our daily lives and our society. The strongest advantage that the Metaverse promises is, in a few words: “a better online experience”. This online experience can have an impact in many areas of our lives, so let’s go through these good aspects of the Metaverse together.

The Metaverse in the Office

The Metaverse can help by bringing human contact if you choose or need to work from home. Instead of seeing pictures or a video representation of your colleagues, thanks to the Metaverse, you can actually see a full, well-customized avatar of them, moving and showing real-time emotions. Your coffee breaks together will also have a different vibe.

Also, you can choose the environment for your meetings or breaks. Yes, you can go from the traditional office that you already know to a coffee shop, a beach, or any other place of your choice. That Monday morning meeting doesn’t sound that scary all of a sudden.

The Metaverse in Schools and Universities

As the pandemic situation has demonstrated, any moment is uncertain. Online video conference platforms such as Zoom, Google Meet, etc., have helped schools and universities continue their activity in a safe environment. With the Metaverse, if that would ever be the case again (hopefully it won’t be the case), online classes can become more dynamic and interactive as you actually see representations of your teacher and colleagues. Yes, you can talk to your fellow students again during the lectures and be caught by your teacher when you don’t pay attention.

Also, with the development of VR technology, especially in traveling to different places and exploring new things, the Metaverse may help students explore the domain they are studying. For example, a medicine student may have a different perspective of a surgery until he or she actually arrives to assist one in a surgery room.

For younger students, instead of writing in their notebooks (or more likely on their laptops) while the teacher recites the lesson, they may actually see the subject discussed while being in the classroom. And not just a photo or a video of it. Is the teacher talking about the fauna and flora in a jungle? They can connect to the Metaverse and actually have a trip in the jungle while the teacher is providing information about the surroundings.

Universities are considering creating a virtual representation of their campus, so parents and future students can take a virtual tour of it instead of actually going there (which can be a different city or even country). This can save both time and effort for the future student, but it also helps with the reduction of traffic and therefore, less pollution.

The experience can still be had in the traditional way, and it might feel better to actually be there, and no one is taking that from you. The Metaverse comes to help those who cannot afford, one way or another, to go there just to visit the university.

The Metaverse in Creating New Jobs

The Metaverse will help in extending the variety of jobs by creating new ones. Mark Zuckerberg said:

“Think about how many people make a living on the internet today, and how many of those jobs just didn’t even exist a few years ago. I expect that the Metaverse is going to open up lots of opportunities for people in the exact same way.”

He might be right. A lot of jobs that no one could have even thought of are available today. Would you have considered just 20 years ago that it would be possible to make a living from posting photos or videos on social media? Could you have imagined the existence of influencers? It’s a strong probability that the Metaverse will do the same as the internet and create many new ways for people to be employed or earn money.

As a matter of fact, think about all the crypto exchange platforms. Behind each one, there is a lot of work involved and many people employed with different roles and responsibilities. This is all very new as well.

Such a huge, detailed, high-graphics world as the Metaverse, surely requires a lot of maintenance, and all the activities that you can do there, imply that there need to be many people behind.

The Metaverse in Bringing People Together

In the Metaverse, you can meet your real-life friends and play games or do any other online activity together. You may ask yourself: why should we hang out online when we can do it in the real world? It’s simple, for example, after a long day of work or classes, a lot of people don’t have the energy and time to go out, but feel the need to spend little time with their friends, and it’s easier and more accessible to do it online.

More than that, there are people who have friends and families in different cities, or even countries, so the Metaverse may be a good opportunity to spend time with them in a more intimate manner. It helps by making them feel closer, compared to the classic phone or video call. You can actually go out for a coffee together, visit something or just talk in a really nice environment of your choice.

The most important advantage would come for those who, due to medical issues, are not able to go out and do many physically straining activities. The Metaverse could help them enjoy life with friends and family to the fullest.

The Metaverse in bringing your favorite activities at home

The Metaverse can provide other experiences than just online games. Did you know you can actually attend a concert in the Metaverse? If you live in a small, lesser-known country where you rarely or never have the chance to attend your idol’s concert, in the Metaverse you can actually do so. It might not be the same as actually being there, but it’s surely better than just seeing the concert (or parts of it) in an online video.

It will also probably be cheaper. So, if you have ever dreamed about going to a certain concert or event, but the price of the ticket seems insane, the Metaverse may help you with that. Of course, don’t forget to invite your friends, even those who live in a different country.

This is just one side of the coin

The Metaverse could surely bring a lot of improvement to our lives. It’s good that it would make certain activities accessible for a large variety of people, especially for the middle-class. Of course, like everything else in this world, it can also have some bad parts which we will explore in the next chapter of the Metaverse series, created so you can be up to date with the latest technological advancements so you know how to better use and invest your crypto.



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