Chapter 5: How to Choose the Right Trading Style

IXFI Exchange
IXFI Exchange
Published in
3 min readFeb 5, 2022

In our last chapter, we shared what trading options you have depending on your level of experience and trading style. We talked about copy-trading, influencer trading, scalping, swing trading, day trading, position trading and range trading. Even if you weren’t familiar with them before, you should now have a general grasp of these concepts. All that’s left to do is to decide which trading style suits you best.

Regardless of the type of crypto style you choose, it will require time and patience to reap the benefits. If you are making a larger investment and have more money to invest, it is best to choose a style such as copy trading, or position trading. These trading methods will help you to see more profit over the long term. If you’re looking to make money quickly, short-term investments such as day trading and swing trading might be your best bet.

Markets aren’t stable and sometimes your investments might see bad days but you should stick it out to see a profitable return on your investments. Do your research and try out the styles to see which work best for you. Once you choose a style, you can adjust and analyze your investments accordingly.

If you don’t know where to start, don’t worry. There are many ways to determine which would be the most suitable for your personality and lifestyle. And even thoug you don’t want to make a wrong decision, the truth is that sometimes the best results are brought forward by the process of trial and error. Of course, your goal should be to avoid errors ar much as possible, because they can sometimes be costly, but that doesn’t mean it’s a good idea to be afraid of trying things out. We’d like to share a few tips so you can get started on finding your own trading style.

Tips for choosing a crypto trading style

● Don’t switch hastily between different methods out of fear. Take your time, stick with a style for a while, and adjust your investments before you try out a new method.

● Think of crypto trading as a sport. It takes time and practice to get better at it. Keep going even when times are hard and keep a level head.

● Use risk management and don’t invest more than you can afford.

● If you’re concerned about your investments, or need assistance, don’t be afraid to speak to an expert.

● Educate yourself on trading by reading books, articles, blogs, and other educational informational sources.

● Use reputable trading platforms with affordable fees. Always be on the lookout for hidden fees.

● If you are using influencer trading or copy trading, ensure that you’re following reputable and experienced crypto traders.

If you take this advice to heart, you might have an easier time getting into trading than most do. Being new at something is always challenging, but if you benefit from the right guidance and advice, your chances to succeed are increased as well as positive outcomes coming faster than they would otherwise. So always keep learning and don’t get left behind.

With Crypto Fundamentals, we are trying to help our readers reach a level of confidence necessary to not only start investing, but do so without worries and financial anxiety. So, if you stll feel like a beginner, keep exploring these topics with us. We’ll try to show you the necessary steps and bring you the most useful tips for beginner to ensure your progress as an investor.

Learn the basics of investing with Crypto Fundamentals, brought to you by IXFI.



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