Here Are Benefits of Choosing to Trade with IXFI

IXFI Exchange
IXFI Exchange
Published in
4 min readMay 18, 2022

Logging on to the platform for the first time, you feel like you’ve been catapulted into the future.

Our platform encapsulates everything a modern trading platform could have, everything that until now, has been merely aspirational, part of “the future of crypto”.

This is without even mentioning the IXFI mobile app. Greeted by a friendly and colorful dashboard, IXFI’s mobile application can be navigated by even those with absolutely no experience with crypto. There’s nothing intimidating about it.

This article outlines the benefits of choosing to trade with IXFI, no matter what your level of experience. Keep reading to find out how you can enhance your crypto trades, whether you’re a complete novice in all things crypto, or a trader with plenty of experience under their belt looking to try something new.

The idea is simple, it’s everything you need in one place. IXFI is the first crypto exchange positioned to go way beyond what traditional finance has to offer. More than just a mobile app, what IXFI offers is a way to trade that’s borderless, reducing fees and processing times, and fostering transparency in a global community.


With a fledgling industry like crypto, there is bound to be a fairly steep learning curve. From new terminology to new ways of doing things, it can be a lot to take in. For this reason, education has always been central to the design of our platform.

The way we see it, our users are never done learning, there is always room for improvement in a fast-paced industry like crypto. We have directly integrated the educational resources you need into our plans which means you don’t need to spend time searching for them elsewhere on your own. With IXFI Academy and our Medium blog, you have access to all the help you need to start or enhance your learning.

Depending on your trading strategy, you might want to make your trading decisions based on current events and trends. For this reason, you will also receive all the latest news in crypto directly through the platform. Just a few minutes a day is all you need to stay informed with IXFI.


Part of the reason we want to provide you with everything you need in one location is that there are a lot of scams out there, and it can be hard to know who to trust. IXFI is committed to protecting our users from misleading information they may come across online by always setting the record straight and being completely transparent.

IXFI recognizes that robust security measures are essential in order for the platform to compete with regular banks. The primary purpose of conventional banking is to provide customers with a safe place to store their funds. For this reason, IXFI has been created with the industry’s latest high-security solutions, giving you the peace of mind you need to make the switch to crypto.

IXFI has been built using a combination of blockchain technology, our KYC system, and anti-phishing codes, as well as 2FA.


The beauty of IXFI is in its flexibility. While you have the choice of switching seamlessly between both formats, our system is so simple that everything can be done on your mobile device. IXFI not only brings crypto trading up to date but is delivering it to the masses, slotting it right into their busy schedules.

Ease of Use

When designing an application like IXFI, you will often hear terms like the “bounce rate” or “drop off point”. These refer to users who visit only one page of the site before leaving, almost immediately. This is usually an indicator of bad web design, the user being unable to find what they are looking for, or simply being overwhelmed with information.

IXFI has been designed to avoid exactly that. You see, it’s all about providing a seamless user experience. Designed by investors, for investors, IXFI wants to set the record straight and show that with IXFI, anyone can be a crypto investor.

Growing Ecosystem

It’s an exciting time for IXFI. Since launching at the end of 2021, we’ve gone from strength to strength, building momentum and garnering support for our platform from all corners of the globe. By joining IXFI at this crucial stage in our journey, you will be contributing to the common goal of bringing crypto into the mainstream and participating in a financial revolution.

If you’re still skeptical, how about trying IXFI for yourself right now? Experience first-hand how pleasant and fulfilling crypto trading can be with Your Friendly Crypto Exchange.

Disclaimer: The content of this article is not investment advice and does not constitute an offer or solicitation to offer or recommendation of any investment product. It is for general purposes only and does not take into account your individual needs, investment objectives and specific financial and fiscal circumstances.

Although the material contained in this article was prepared based on information from public and private sources that IXFI believes to be reliable, no representation, warranty or undertaking, stated or implied, is given as to the accuracy of the information contained herein, and IXFI expressly disclaims any liability for the accuracy and completeness of the information contained in this article.

Investment involves risk; any ideas or strategies discussed herein should therefore not be undertaken by any individual without prior consultation with a financial professional for the purpose of assessing whether the ideas or strategies that are discussed are suitable to you based on your own personal financial and fiscal objectives, needs and risk tolerance. IXFI expressly disclaims any liability or loss incurred by any person who acts on the information, ideas or strategies discussed herein.



IXFI Exchange
IXFI Exchange

More than crypto. GEN 3.0 Crypto Exchange placing user experience at the forefront of its design.