How IXFI will change the Game for Beginners

How upcoming platform IXFI is aiming to level the crypto playing field for newcomers

IXFI Exchange
IXFI Exchange
4 min readNov 22, 2021


It is common knowledge that investing in crypto is a global trend that has been gaining a lot of traction in the past decade, with the sector being at an all-time high in regards to the number of investors and the number of companies working with cryptocurrencies as a means of payment. It really does seem like the world is heading towards a completely decentralized financial system and that implies that we need to be prepared with the best tools to secure and manage our assets as soon as possible.

This is where IXFI comes in. Compared to other platforms which are built around the same concept, to serve as an alternative to traditional banking, IXFI is built specifically to help those who haven’t yet jumped on the crypto bandwagon but who will be at a complete disadvantage if they don’t do so soon: the average consumer.

No man or woman left behind

As the economy is moving towards adopting crypto into mainstream practices, adaptability will be the quality that will ensure who will manage to make the most out of their financial assets. Those who are active, even if only minimally, in crypto affairs, already have an edge over those who don’t take the time to research and understand this global phenomenon, and IXFI as a company is planning to not leave the latter behind.

This company’s aim is to appeal and cater to those who are maybe a bit shy about delving into trading and exchange for now, who are afraid that they have everything to lose and nothing to gain due to their own personal lack of knowledge. Because let’s be honest, this matter isn’t a simple one to understand and everyone needs a bit of experience before they can actually make a substantial profit from this practice. The team working on IXFI is well aware of this and this is why they made sure to conjure up the most suitable solutions to this problem. They are set on giving everyone a more equal playing field in order to ensure the best results for their users, be they, experts or newbies.

What’s the plan?

IXFI brings a wide array of resources and features in order to aid its users in reaching their goals and succeed in the long term. One of these features, in particular, is a one-of-a-kind concept that makes it revolutionary in this aspect and it is designed to introduce those who would consider themselves beginners into the world of crypto.

This impressive feature is called the Playground and it is a replica of the actual trading that takes place on the platform. What does this mean? It means that, while new users get to participate in the trading and learn their way around it, they can do so without any risk of losing a single cent. The Playground doesn’t trade real money compared to the actual exchange. Instead, what is exchanged through this helpful feature are the platform-native tokens, IXFI tokens.

Aside from these being a risk-free way to get the hang of how it works, they can also be a way for the user to mitigate expenses such as the transaction fees associated with the actual exchange. What this means is that not only beginners, but even expert investors can benefit from the Playground.

Aside from this evolutionary mechanism, IXFI offers its users access to an abundance of resources meant to help them expand their knowledge of the industry. There is a news section on the platform, they also offer an array of helpful articles sharing the best techniques and practices to ensure the users are getting the best results.

The team has also thought of those who are the type to learn optimally from their peers and from engaging conversations, so they put an emphasis on community support early on. This is all part of their vision to offer equal opportunity to everyone and to make sure that not only the already rich and experienced can benefit from crypto.

This is just the beginning

If there’s something IXFI has shown us, it’s that change and innovation are inevitable. The team has already taken concepts that have been discussed and requested for years and they took these concepts to the next level through their unique vision. Who’s to say they will stop there?

As the launch approaches, more and more people are already joining the IXFI community and are becoming aware of the impact this platform will have in the future. As it grows, so will there be a constant state of searching to implement new features that will benefit everyone involved and will make IXFI a glimmer of hope in the eye of the mainstream.

So don’t hesitate to take this advice and make the most of IXFI while it’s still growing because those who have been here from the beginning will surely not go unrewarded. As the countdown is ticking away and new users are joining the community with the benefit of exclusive early privileges, we await the moment in which IXFI pushes us all into a brand new era of crypto exchange.

Keep an eye on us for more information.



IXFI Exchange
IXFI Exchange

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