Ixian Progress Report: Omega Release, Network Stability, and the Future of IXI Labs

Ixian Team
Published in
5 min readApr 29, 2023

We have recently achieved several significant milestones in the ongoing development of the Ixian platform.

The Omega update has improved user experience and increased network performance. As a result we have been experiencing outstanding network stability.

On the business development side of things a new company was established in the United Kingdom. IXI Labs will provide a new outlet for innovation and collaboration to drive new developments and initiatives for the Ixian ecosystem.

The long awaited Spixi UX optimization pack is nearing completion, and last but not least — we began work on the new feature that will facilitate registering names on the Ixian network.

Omega Update

One of the biggest achievements of the past year was the successful implementation of the Ixiac Omega Protocol. We have written about it extensively in the past year, but it feels right to mention the most important aspects of it. As we can observe, we achieved an improved and faster DLT synchronization process and better handling of resources. Various known bugs have been addressed and fixed.

Transitioning from SHA2 to SHA3 hashing algorithm, the preparation to transition from PIT/TIV to merkle trees, and from SQLite to RocksDB as well as implementing major optimizations to wallet state structures. All of this has vastly improved scalability and performance of the platform and paved the way for future features and product updates. By adding a requirement for nodes to occasionally perform PoW to sign blocks, we are ensuring all active nodes have proper hardware that can handle the increasing amounts of transactions.

As one would expect, such an update required a vast amount of our resources, but the result was well worth the effort.

IXI Labs

The newly launched IXI Labs company is poised to play an important role in development of the Ixian Ecosystem. It is also providing a new direction of business development. As a commercial entity, IXI Labs is focused on delivering products and services. You might ask — how does that play into the Ixian ecosystem, and where does that leave Ixian? The answer to that question resides in our philosophy that we always tried to convey to our community. Ixian as a platform was and is intended as the infrastructure layer. One that is required to produce decentralized products and services.

With IXI Labs we are now venturing into the business and enterprise world. We are confident that high-end products and services can and should be provided to the world on a scalable decentralized infrastructure. It is environmentally conscious, cheaper, more reliable and efficient to do so. IXI Labs is set out to do just that and create an actual revenue stream. It is the logical next step of the evolution of the internet, and we believe that Ixian is going to play an important role in this transition.

As a platform for innovation and collaboration, we believe that IXI Labs will bring together developers, entrepreneurs, and investors to drive new developments and initiatives for Ixian. The launch of IXI Labs, finally provides an entry point for entrepreneurs and brings us closer to the next stage of business development.


We are nearing the release of the Spixi UX optimization pack that will be launched with the v0.7 update. This pack is based on feedback we have received from the community and includes several features and fixes, improved UI design, and better performance.

The planned release in the coming weeks is another exciting event for us and our community.

We are looking forward to receiving your feedback, as it will have an impact on the Spixi v1.0 release which is the next big milestone in the story of Spixi. A brand new Spixi website is also arriving to commemorate the release of Spixi v0.7. It’s important to know that Spixi will remain in public Beta until we reach v1.0, but we will keep you informed about the developments as we near completion. The planned features have remained, while we are also considering adding some new ones.

Ixian Registered Names Service

Another recent development for Ixian is the upcoming launch of a new naming service on the Ixian platform (current working title — Ixian Naming Service). This service will provide a way for users and developers to register and manage names on the Ixian network. These names can then be used in Spixi to resolve Ixian and other addresses for easier contact adding and also act as an alternative to existing DNS systems.

The introduction of the naming service will greatly expand the functionality of the Ixian platform and provide new use cases, but most of all it will simplify the user experience by allowing users to easily identify and interact with one another on the network. This is going to create new ways to build and manage communities on Ixian and Spixi.

As we are nearing completion of the Ixian Naming Service framework, you can expect more details on this topic in the upcoming period. It’s safe to say that we treat the Ixian Naming Service as a critical component of our ecosystem

Ixian S2 Network

Finally, we are also shifting our focus towards Ixian S2 network protocol. As one of the cornerstones of the Ixian Platform, it will allow fast and efficient data streaming, while giving users more monetization options. Next steps include deploying and testing of various aspects of the S2 Network. We will cover all details in our next article dedicated to the Ixian S2 network.


In summary, we have achieved several significant milestones in the ongoing development, including the release of the Omega update, network stability improvements, and the launch of IXI Labs. Our focus on security, privacy, scalability, regulations and ease of use is reflected in the ongoing development efforts. The next version of Spixi will finally address the UX issues that have been present and pave the way for the new Ixian Naming Service and its integration with our products.

We are looking forward to reaching the next milestones and we hope you are as well.

Stay positive,

Team Ixian

