Shifting Towards the Next

Ixian Team
Published in
3 min readApr 24, 2024

April 23rd, 2016 marked a pivotal moment in the history of the Ixian project. It was on this day that our journey began, fueled by an idea that has guided us for eight remarkable years. From its inception to the launch of our main-net, the first transaction, and the release of S2 and Spixi, we’ve come a long way.

We are proud to have achieved a feat no decentralized messenger had accomplished until then — sending the first message through the IRIDIUM satellite network.

Today, we’ve grown to over 10,000 users and processed more than 90 million transactions. As we look back on this journey, we’re excited to embark on the next phase of Ixian’s life cycle.

Refining the Technology

Over the past year, our team has been focused on refining and optimizing our technology. While it may have appeared quiet from the outside, we’ve been addressing key challenges and working on improving the overall performance of Ixian platform.

We spent countless hours monitoring, testing and analyzing the Omega Consensus. We improved it, so that it can perform better and provide the required scalability, network stability and enhanced security.

To the untrained eye it might have seemed like a trivial task, but this work is the foundation of the entire platform. With the next update, we will eliminate the issues which we anticipated might surface, but became apparent with the latest DLT deployment to main-net.

IXI Names

Speaking of the last DLT update, the most notable (but not the biggest) addition is the IXI Names feature. We wrote about it in the previous articles, but we can finally state that IXI Names are here and ready.

The first names were already registered and tested, and we have moved on to the registration portal that will allow everyone to easily register and manage their IXI Name, add various records (such as their IXI, Spixi and any other address, URL or custom data).

The development of the first version is almost done, and we are adding the final touches. It’s important to note that this feature requires additional modifications to Spixi, which will allow you to connect to the service.

Spixi Update

New version of Spixi itself has been tested for the past few months, and we have fixed numerous issues that were identified in this period. It’s a big update to the existing Spixi app. Many moving parts and specifics of decentralized architecture brought many challenges, but we are finally nearing its release. Of course the Spixi website is receiving an overhaul to accompany the much anticipated release.

As we look back on the past eight years, we’re proud of what we’ve accomplished. We’re excited for the future, knowing that the best is yet to come. Join us as we embark on this new chapter in Ixian’s journey.

Stay positive

Team Ixian

