The Ixian Evolution

Ixian Team
Published in
4 min readDec 24, 2020

As we are approaching the end of this eventful and somewhat extraordinary year, briefly reflecting on some of the most notable developments within the Ixian community and the project itself would be in order. But this time we want to take a different path and we will rather focus on the future.

An exciting future awaits.

Most of you might have already noticed that Ixian is reaching the final stage of the existing roadmap. It was a long and somewhat rocky journey, but we’ve managed to weather the storm and are reaching the end of an era. For us and the members of our community, this means that we are ready to begin writing the next chapter in the Ixian story.

We have several important announcements to make, but first of all, we would like to thank all of you who participated in the voting round and those who expressed your views regarding our new emission proposal. The results of the vote and discussion itself were encouraging for us and we feel that this is the right way to move forward.

As we’ve already described, the algorithm change was set to take place at block height 1.7M. After recent developments which have had a big impact on Ixian (and some technical issues), we realized that we will have to delay this change until block height 1.8M.

Our first announcement is tied directly with the upcoming algorithm change and the planned delay. We will require more time to make all necessary preparations and set all things in motion. Please keep in mind that we are approaching this matter with the best interest of Ixian as a project and all participants in mind. We are planning to activate the new emission algorithm with block v8 upgrade. The highlights of this major update include bandwidth and storage optimizations. This will improve transaction and block processing speed. The optimizations mentioned will have a significant impact on the performance of the Ixian platform.

Another reason for the extension is something we are very excited about. Ixian will be integrating with one of the top blockchains in existence today! This will not have any negative impact on Ixian as a project nor will it diminish efforts by the participants. We believe this is a part of the evolution of Ixian and that it will benefit the project in more ways than we can currently imagine. We will be releasing more and more details as the entire process unfolds, so we would like to ask you all for a bit of patience. But we promise it will be well worth the wait.

This process itself will have a certain impact on the distribution of the emission of IxiCash, hence the small delay. While the numbers of newly minted IXIs will not be altered in any way (the proposed emission model, the rate of issuance and the target supply will remain as they are) there are going to be a few changes to the rewards node operators and IXI miners will be receiving.

We are entering a new era and because this is only the beginning, we want to announce some major milestones for the future. We are working on the new and detailed roadmap for the next 12–18 months, one which will provide better insight into what Ixian is gradually becoming.

The most notable milestone in the expanded roadmap is the Ixian Omega Protocol. As the name itself suggests, Ixian Omega is intended as the final version of the consensus/protocol, which will be set in stone for all eternity. It will include some major features such as block and transaction optimizations as well as the main milestone of over 10,000 transactions per second. On that journey we will gradually lift the cap from the current 666tps to 2,340tps, and then to 5,000tps before we reach the goal. We intend on doing this in a simple and effective manner, on chain, sustainable and scalable, just as Ixian was envisioned. Absolutely no sharding, layering or any other workaround will be employed, as this was one of the main reasons we decided to build Ixian DLT after all.

A very exciting period for Spixi is coming as well. It will receive a wide makeover with lots of new features and optimization of existing ones. File transfer optimizations, custom app support and private group chats to name a few. All this will be nicely packed in a brand new but familiar UX. Theme support will allow users to customize their Spixi client, and various other features will be added to the wallet as well.

Among other notable events there is the planned 3rd party code audit and upcoming exchange announcements. Our goal is to bring IxiCash to a wider audience and we will rely on our community to make this happen.

Of course all this development has to be supported with professionals in complementary fields such as business development, marketing and legal compliance. That is why we are finalizing talks with some new advisors which will be joining the team in 2021. We are excited about these new additions to the team and we believe that together we will elevate Ixian to the next level and beyond.

Ixian has come a long way since the first line of code was typed, and we believe more than ever before, that the future is bright. 2021 is going to be a big year for Ixian. Thank you all for being a part of this journey and we are looking forward to writing the next chapter together.

Stay Positive,

Team Ixian

